Friday, January 29, 2016

Nothing is Possible

It is Poetry Friday!  And today poets and poetry lovers of all ages are being hosted by Catherine at Reading to the Core!

Today I have a veritable stew... in a yummy way, not like stewing mad...

First, I had one wonderful response to my challenge to write at "How to" poem.  And that Wonderful How To-er is....none other than the fabulous Tabatha Yeatts!  Thanks, Tabatha - this is great...I love "Collect dust.  Get wanderlust."  Definitely a Rummage Sale Treasure!
I wish I had a prize.  Maybe I can "rummage" around and find something that was going to go in a rummage sale!

How to wind up in a rummage sale
by Tabatha Yeatts

Live a lot.
Seek blind spot.
Tuck away.
Shadow soiree.
Be lost
At any cost!
Collect dust.
Get wanderlust.
Time to go?
You'll know.
Astound --
Be found!

Then, I have another poem on Silver Birch Press! It's about how you compare yourself to someone  well-known who has your name.  My Donna Reed poem, "How Charming", is published there today.  I'd love it if you had time to pop over for a quick read ( maybe a short comment? Do you have someone you relate to who has your same first or last name?

Next, I have my response to Michelle Heidenrich Barnes'  and Douglas Douglas Florian's challenge to write about NOTHING.  This is not a very serious poem.  I think you will get that.  Not too worried. Nothing worries me.

     by Donna JT Smith

I’m taking a trip
Into nothingness;
I’m not sure the distance
But nonetheless,

Yes, Nothing is what
I am aiming for;
I want Nothing less
And Nothing more.

Nothing can stop me,
Nothing will do;
Yes, I’ll stop at Nothing
On earth, it’s true!

Nothing is left
Yet it's also right;
A couple more feet -
Till Nothing’s in sight!

Oh, Nothing was found -
And it’s clear to see
That Nothing is what
It’s cracked up to be.

Yes, Nothing’s the matter
I’m headed for
And Nothing is finer
On any shore.

Oh, I’ll stop at Nothing
Of the kind -
Where Nothing on earth
Is the bestest find.

I’ve found the way to
This Nothing place,
Where Nothing's perfect -
Note smiling face!

Then I have a postcard that I received from Diane Mayr at the end of December.  I'm sorry it took so long to share it.  I believe it has been shared on her blog, though, so you may have already seen it.  I love how Diane adds the subtle color and words to the images.  It was a nice surprise in the mail!  Thank you, Diane!
first light
his dream recalled
in color

©Diane Mayr

I am also doing a postcard exchange organized by Amy Souza from Spark.  I received an artsy card from Lisa Kilhefner in DC.  I think she's had more snow this year than we have!
Thanks, Lisa!  You will be receiving my postcard soon!
This postcard "collage" has a regal and festive attitude!
And speaking of postcards, if you would like a postcard - one of a very local, typical winter scene on the coast of Maine (I took 4 pictures last week), with a haiku I wrote to go with them - send your mailing address to me by email.  I will send you one of the four asap!

Here's my clever email address code so I won't get spammed in my "important people" email box: 
d - j - t -- sm - ith - - "a-t" -- g -- ma -- il -"d-o-t" -- c -o - m  
Take out ALL the -dashes-, and use the signs, of course, for the "quoted words".  I hate that the computer bots are getting smarter all the time.  I shouldn't have to hide my email to protect it.  But this is one area I won't be bold in.
I have plenty, so don't worry about someone else not getting one because you got one.  This time you may be selfish and not think of anyone but yourself!


  1. Wouldn't you know, your stew left me hungry for more! It's that special recipe of yours, that tasty hint of Nothing intermingled with everything else. Mmmmm mmmmm good.

  2. Sadly, my associations with "stew" have been forever tainted by Shakespeare. Thanks, Will, for linking a winter staple cuisine with something shady.

    Loved your poem especially, Donna. Well done!

  3. It's cool how all these artsy postcards are travelling everywhere! I just left a comment on your Silver Birch Press poem. (I didn't say this, but if I were to write a Same Name poem, it would have to be about the little girl on Bewitched. Boy, did a lot of people ask me if I could do magic when I was growing up!)

    1. The postcards are a fun idea. And nice to get something in the mail besides ads and bills!
      Couldn't find your Silver Birch comment Do they have moderation on?

    2. I tried four times! Maybe it's all those curse words I was using (I kid).

  4. Nothing IS perfect, Donna--and I'm acting on that by, until the last minute, failing to write a nothing poem. Nonetheless, you've done a clever job!

  5. Since reading the challenge, I've been thinking about "Nothing" and have about that much to show for it! Love your clever, fun poem!

  6. You ladies amaze me with your endless creativity...always such fun!

  7. This post gives me nothing but pleasure, Donna! I can picture those rummage sale objects, tucked away collecting dust, and your nothing poem is lots of fun. Thanks for sharing!

  8. Your poem about NOTHING is just the opposite!

  9. What a tasty stew, full of poetic riches. Enjoyed your Donna Reed poem and hearing what it was like to try to emulate someone famous who had the same name (a phenomenon I'll never experience).

    Also enjoyed following the train of thought in the Nothing poem. That was a good challenge which yielded a lot of interesting responses. :)

  10. Today's post is a wonderful mix of creative ideas, Donna. Your nothing poem is Suess-like to me.

  11. The something that your nothing poem is full of is word play. Nothing wrong with it, I would add or subtract nothing.


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