Thursday, June 11, 2015

A 14 Word Poem

Today's poem was inspired by Laura Purdy Salas' challenge to write a 15 Words or Less Poem to go with a picture of a "gone to seed" dandelion.  Go here to see the image and other poets' offerings.
I've put my own images here, for my poem.

Papa Pappus

Golden dread head
Sported bedhead,
Youth fled,
Wind said,
Hair shed -
Bald head!

1 comment:

  1. Donna, I, too, am trying to write a 15 word poem for Laura. Your is quite nice, especially the comment about the golden dead head. As you move on the images get more visual for me. Do you have an offering for my new Spring's Symphony Gallery? Check out the information at and in today's Poetry Friday post. Of course, you know that I would love to showcase one of yours. It could be the above combination.


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