Wednesday, August 20, 2014


Path - a poem in response to the Poetry Jam prompt to write about the word Path this week...

The path of a bird is not easily seen
Where is he going? Where has he been?
A path of a whale or littlest fish
Is only a ripple made by a swish
The path of a butterfly or buzzing bee
Is not the straight route that a roadway would be
The hidden tunnel of a worm or a mole
Is all dirt and darkness when they take a stroll.
But a mouse or a deer with feet touching ground
Leave footprints in paths that are easily found;
Tracks left behind in the wake that they leave
Are telling connections in stories they weave -
The roots of a life, routes over and under,
Twisting and turning, of blunder or plunder,
Of goodness and grief, of sweet and the sour,
All make up the lives on this earth every hour
Take lessons from airborne and fish in the sea
Stay the true course, let mistaken paths be
Just forge on ahead and do not look back
keep your eyes open, feet on the right track
Make a small ripple or create a big splash
Know that no life is made up of trash
Pick up the litter as you walk along
Skipping and humming a yellow brick song
The birds and the deer, the fish and the whales
All know the value of pathways and trails.
Even the ways that we cannot see
Are paths to a someplace that someone should be!


  1. Love this inspirational reminder to move ahead...

    1. Yes, so many fret over poor past choices and waste time now looking back instead of moving on.

  2. nice...i like the wisdom you bring out...the taking the path of the fish or the bird...of forging ahead and not letting missteps throw you off.....and there are many pathes...we just have to choose...

    1. I often try to put myself in the place of animals when I begin to worry. I really don't think they do much of that worry and regret stuff!

  3. This gave me such a feeling of awe, Donna. The element of nature and its creatures, each taking its own path, knowing instinctively which way to go... How easily we can upset the balance and stop these creatures in their tracks. Lovely!

    1. It is awe inspiring to think of how they know the ways, often over thousands of miles - without a map or sign reading capabilities!

  4. The fish and the birds do not need us. They all have their own paths following a pattern which does not include us. This is something we ought to keep in mind in the way we treat them. You have written a very thought-provoking poem, Donna.

    1. We often interfere with the plans and paths of animals. Though they are usually quite adaptable, and we can't give them higher regard than human life, it is still upsetting when our path negatively impacts theirs.

  5. I like the lesson of letting mistaken paths be and just forging on without regret. Yes, we can learn a lot from animals. Each somehow finds its path despite obstacles it encounters. Beautifully written, Donna! A keeper.

    1. I do think we have to remember the wrong paths only so much as to make amends with others and to not go down that route again, but it is so important to learn from the mistakes not dwell on them.

  6. I love that you included so many kinds of animals, Donna. It, like others, could be a picture book! And I also love that reference to the 'yellow brick road', a metaphor in our culture, isn't it? Beautifully done!

    1. Maybe someday I will get brave enough or have energy enough to do the picture book. The " yellow brick" just had a need to be in there somewhere when talking about paths!

  7. I enjoy a poem when it gives me new ways of seeing things--the like invisibility of the paths of creatures in the air and sea. And yet they are pathways nonetheless. Thanks for visiting my blog as well.

    1. I an always intrigued by how animals know where they are going without all the assists we have!

  8. Uplifting poem about letting go and moving forward in the journey.

  9. Lovely path that you took me on. Excellent advice too :-)

  10. I adore this is almost like a song. Truly lovely!!

    1. It is fun when they come out with a rhythm that's sing-song. Thanks, Carrie.

  11. I love the way that you have woven nature and philosophical observations together in this piece, Donna. Once again, there is a message in your writing that resonates, I think, with both children and adults. Wonderfully crafted.

    1. Thanks, Wendy! Nice to see you!

    2. Nicely done! I enjoyed the rhythm, rhyme, and imagery. Yes, it's important not to look back once we've started down our paths...

  12. There indeed are the paths hidden from our sight, that take us to some place. All we need to keep going on the path we have chosen so far. Loved reading it as in whole.


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