Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Home Made


This is also posted to link to Poetry Friday over at "A Year of Reading" with Mary Lee Hahn. Check in for some great reading.  I love "Poem on the Fridge" by Paul Hostovsky Mary Lee is sharing there.  I love putting poems and artwork on my fridge.  Why, right there next to my refrigerator magnet poem about blossoms...I believe I see three poem swap poems!  Talk about home spun, home made...

I started out to do something about maybe baking bread or cookies, but my brain heard it a little differently.  So I went with it.
Maybe it's too literal, but I can't help it when my brain says stuff it wants to say.  You try shutting it up.  I've tried.  Not possible.

Home Made

What makes a home
when is it more
than just a house?
is it wood floor?
is it strong walls?
a nice front door?

Is it a dog?
a purring cat?
is it the roof?
the 'Welcome' mat?
is it some place
to hang your hat?

Is it the people
tucked inside
with all the problems
they’ve denied
and covered up
with family pride?

Is it pure joy
that splits the seams?
the bubbling laughter
shaking beams?
is it the years
and all the dreams?

What makes a home
not just a place
is that it gives
a special grace
and takes you in
its warm embrace.

A place where
they will take you in
no matter what
your life has been;
where even if
you've lost, you win.

A home that's made
of such a love,
caressing like
a kidskin glove,
is prelude to
Home Made Above.

©Donna JT Smith, 2014

You know, even now, my brain is saying "Hey, that like in the Wizard of Oz?"
Shut up, brain.  Just shut up.  I'm not doing it.

The darkened clouds commenced to gather
The twister worked up quite a lather
The house was lifted off the ground
and set to spinning all around.

It would have been scary to me
To be poor little Dorothy
And not be able to outrun
A tornado's twisted homespun fun.

©2014, Donna JT Smith

I'm sorry.  I warned you.  I'm weak.


  1. ha. a fresh take on home spun...sent a twirl on the way to oz...ha...
    and i think a home is often the hearts there...more than the people
    its the heart which you are received with when you open the door...

  2. I lovIe your weakness and your stubborn brain. Don't shut it up, give it wings. I enjoyed your poems so much.

  3. Loved these poems. The first was utterly charming and the second with the "homespun" house was my laugh-out-loud for the week. Really creative, Donna.

  4. Lots of wisdom here. I agree that home is a place where they have to take you in. Or perhaps it is a place where people there want to take you in no matter what. A really nice collection of poems, Donna!

  5. I enjoyed the progression in your poem and like your 'definition' of home. What can be better of a place where you are accepted totally?

  6. A home should be a place of peace ...a refuge to shut the door on the troubled world.

  7. Kudos to your brain! This poem about home is a book in and of itself. I can just see it! Lovely!

  8. what a beauty you've created with the prompt..unique them all :)

  9. Your weakness is truly your strength Donna...Both are wonderful. I love the flow and meter in the first one, and how you captured what truly makes a house a home. Clever and wonderful!

  10. Donna, your homemade theme was carried through all of your entries. Love the spin on words in the title Home Made. This is a thought worth pondering more about: Is it the people tucked inside with all the problems they’ve denied...Lastly, what a fun poem for #3 offering: Dorothy must must not have laughted at the tornado's twisted homespun fun. Enjoyed a good few minutes of musing with you.

  11. Hey! I recognize one of the poems on your fridge!!

  12. Fun to read, poignant too-glad you are not shutting up this time.

  13. These are great, Donna! "Home Made" is beautiful and such a smooth read. I love the combination of ideal and real as in Stanza 3.

    Violet N.

  14. Excellent home is love, great emotion and heart in this, well done

  15. i really enjoyed this. you nailed down what it means to come from home. and the bit about the wizard of oz, oh that would be an awesome poem. go, go! i encourage your brain! :)

    stacy lynn mar

  16. So creative! You flew "homespun" in an unexpected direction :-) I especially like "And not be able to outrun/ A tornado's twisted homespun fun."

  17. Twisted homespun fun indeed. :) Love the treasures on your fridge!

  18. You have a delightfully crazy brain. Thanks for sharing your musings!

  19. Please don't ever shut up that free-wheelin', homespun brain of yours, Donna. It's a gift. :)

  20. I liked them both, Donna. The second one I chuckled over, and the first one made me feel rather warm and fuzzy!


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