Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Almond Gray and Round Blue

It is nearing the first day of school, and though I am retired from teaching (mostly in first grade), I do remember and think of the first day of school at this time of year.
My first thought for almond, was "almond eyes".  And after looking it up here, I found there are six eye shapes.  Mine are almond.  Huh, who knew?  So there you go.
Almond for Poetry Jam today.

Almond Gray and Round Blue

I catch your glance, my gray almond eyes see
Little, round, blue eyes peering up at me.
What will I teach you, blue eyes, today,
When you would much rather run and play?
There are books to explore and learn to read
There are crayons and paints, whichever you need,
Letters and numbers to rearrange
And all manner of things that will be strange;
But you will learn, little round eyed sponge,
As we both take the first day of school plunge.
I caught your glance and my almond eyes see
Little, round, blue eyes smiling up at me.
©2014, Donna JT Smith


  1. Oh, Donna, this is a lovely response to this prompt! And how well I understand that eye-locking between teacher and student. I remember this as well, and the responsibility I had felt for teaching those little 'blue eyes' and 'brown eyes' what they needed and wanted to know that year. And more. As a former teacher as well, I found this poem very poignant.

  2. cool....i like the fresh approach to almond...and the eyes can be so evocative...i am a teacher (high school though) but we had open house yesterday and had so many show was great to see them excited....this made me smile big.

  3. this is so charming..could feel the softness of innocence and love of the caring both the almond eyes and peering little blue, round eyes..ha this seems to be a teachers meet..i'm also a teacher :)

  4. As a teacher - first in middle school then in high school - I too can relate to your poem and identify with you. There is something very special about the first days of school, when all seems possible and you can read expectation in the students' eyes.

  5. So sweet... I thought about almond eyes, too.

  6. books to explore and learn to read - The wonder of learning and the joy of acceptance, there is so much to enjoy in this.

  7. It's a nice poem, the kind thoughts of a teacher getting ready for those children. I guess we'll never stop getting that excitement for the beginning of school, even when we're not starting. I love the way you wrapped it up, Donna!

  8. Precious poetry! Now I must try to discern what my eyes are shaped like ... at my age I suspect they are turned downward/sagging.

  9. so sweet ..the connection between teacher and student is so precious..wonderful:)

  10. Love this reflection of teaching. And interesting about the shapes of eyes. Now I will go look up those shapes to check out my own eyes!

  11. Lovely poem, Donna. Gazing into the eyes of people can be such a wonderful experience. Especially so those innocent young children who are taught by us and whose eyes are full of expectation, trust and wonder. Being a teacher is such a huge responsibility!


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