Thursday, November 14, 2013

Thanks for This Week

I had thought I might be able to do a "Thankful for..." post each day this month, but things just got complicated right away in November, and I let half a month go by without doing that.  But last Wednesday my car wouldn't start, and I've been without my trusty steed for a week.  When I thought about it though, there were still some thankfuls in the whole thing:

Unfortunately, my car got sick.  Thankfully, it was right in my driveway, not out on the highway.  Unfortunately, I had to have the car ambulance take it away on a stretcher.  Thankfully, I had an emergency roadside assistance plan, so the tow was free (though I wondered if my driveway would be considered roadside (thankfully, it was)).  Unfortunately, it needed a bunch of repairs caused by a tensioner failure which would cost mega bucks.  Thankfully, they took some of the labor charges off since they had to do some recall work which would involve some of the same labor as the repairs. Unfortunately, it would take a few days to get to the repairs.  Thankfully, I have a wonderful grown son who saw to it that I got around to do my errands.

Unfortunately, I can't think of anything really that is terribly unfortunate (or is that fortunately?)...thankfully, my thankfullys far outweigh my unfortunatelys.


  1. It is always is such a shock to our everyday movements when our car gets sick. But it sounds like you made the best of it with grat humor. I anxiously read to find out the next blessing or disaster. Loved the structure, one of my favorites.

    1. It was literally a bad / good combination of situations that actually made for an interesting week! It's always fun to seek the positive in any negative...even if people think you are crazy...or Pollyanna!

  2. Love the way you said it. If you read my post Tuesday, you know I've been having an interesting 'car' time too, with rabbits as well. Happy your fortunatelys were lots!

    1. Now I have to go back and read your posts! I've been so busy, I haven't done much blog reading or writing! Car problems really cramp our style!

  3. I hate cars and complicated pieces of technology. They should work FOREVER!
    But I'm glad it didn't die on you somewhere while you were driving it, because that is the suck.

    It's always good to be thankful.

    1. I am in total agreement. They should work forever or until such time as I want a shiny, new one.


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