Friday, November 22, 2013


It's getting colder and colder up here in the Northeast corner of the land.  Should have a wood fire going in the stove...but I guess I'll just turn up the heat and stare out the window at the cold and tired rose bush.  Can't wait for spring.  We can skip over winter.  And summer.  Spring and fall, spring and fall...that's all I need.  But that's another poem for another day.  Today is "Rosy".

my toes
and my nose
are really froze
i think that they are doomed
do you suppose
my rosy nose
could smell a rose in bloom
or should
these rosy toes o’mine
go where
it’s warm and days are fine
other posies loom?

It's a comfort to know that closer to the equator and in the southern hemisphere there are some rosy roses and warm noses, and that soon it will return here, too! 
My cat knows how to keep his nose warm.

And now to enjoy more poetry and poetic subjects, go to our Poetry Friday hostess Katya Czaja at Write, Sketch. Repeat.


  1. Your poem is tongue-twistery fun, Donna. :-)

  2. Your poignant poem hits close to home!

  3. Such a fun poem. Love the word play and kitty photo :).

  4. Ha, what a funny thought. I liked the idea of trying to smell a rose when your nose is frozen. The kitty photo is a nice little addition as well.

  5. I don't want to skip winter altogether. I'd just like less of it. Maybe Dec-Feb with a hard stop on March 1st? It seems like a long way off, but spring will be here before we know it. Hang in there.


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