Sunday, January 24, 2016

What Is My Life?

As I was listing my poetry on the links page I'm creating, I came across a poem I had written, copying the process that Margaret Simon had told about doing with her group of children. I went to Margaret's site, Reflections on the Teche, to read the description of the process again. I had been meaning to try another one, so what better time than now?

This poem was a surprise to me as I again tried the exercise.  The writing that I did in the center part ended up not coming out a poem, as it did the first time.  This time I posed questions!  Question after question came to my mind.  I wanted to write something else, but that just wasn't happening!  What would I do with questions???  I circled some key words I'd written, and then began to write on a new sheet.
In under 15 minutes, this was the result - as you can see from the photo, the first part just fell onto the paper, with a bit more work revising and arranging the ending.  I'm posting this on Sunday.  Seems appropriate.

What Is My Life?

What is my life
If not to give
Any gift so
Others live
A life more full
Of fulfilled need,
A life that’s good,
That plants more seed?

What is my life
But duty bound,
To help the lost
Find what I’ve found:
The Gift of Gifts,
The Love of Life,
The Good of God,
Our Rest from strife?

What is my life,
If not to show
The powerful Grace
One saved can know,
And that it’s all
A heavy load,
Unless with God
You tread the road?

What is my life?
It isn’t mine;
It’s loaned to me
A given time,
With voice and hands
As gifts to bring
The dying ones
To God our King.

©Donna JT Smith, January 21, 2016

I must try this again someday - maybe the next time I clean the Poem Hoem.
Thank you for reading today.


  1. Getting goose bumps about this and to think I had something to do with its inspiration. Have you seen a group of us posting spiritual growth thoughts on Thursday? We link up at Holly Mueller's blog. These next few weeks we are writing about everyone's one little word. DO you have one? Mine is present and that is the one we tackled this week. I am sure Holly would put you on the schedule if you want to join in.
    Thanks again for sharing such a thoughtful poem.

    1. I had not seen it, Margaret. I will check it out more this morning. Thanks for the tip! I haven't picked my OLW. I did it one year, and then never followed my intentions. Maybe I'll try again. I think I have a word I want to use. It seems to be my theme this year so far. BOLD. Yes, seeing it there, that's it. I'm off to Holly's house.

  2. It's lovely, Donna. I liked hearing about the process you followed too, and with Margaret's inspiration.

    1. Thanks, Linda. There have been so many little "finds" as I'm going over all the old blogs. Making contact with commenters, visiting their blogs that I haven't seen in a while has been fun.

  3. Wonderful poem that seems fit as a morning reflection. I was thinking the same thought Margaret had about you joining our Spiritual Journey Thursday blogging community, Donna. Are you inspired to write a poem photo / digital inspiration for my newest gallery, Winter Wanderings? Invitation at

    1. I do have a little something for your Winter Wanderings, I believe. And I am going to check out the Thursday group. I have only used Sunday's (with preposted stuff - I don't write/work on Sundays) for my "Believers' Fare", but Thursday could work, too.


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