Thursday, May 30, 2019

The Ocean's Hunger

Thank you for visiting today.  I make it to as many Poetry Friday's as I can.  Lately it has become difficult to pop in.  But I am making an effort this evening (Thursday) to prepare a post for Friday.  I am in Maine and working with a number of fantastic people to help me prepare our Maine home for sale.  Never fear, we are keeping the home we are renovating elsewhere in Maine - but are selling our log home on an island on the coast.  So much to sort and move.

Some pictures in case you know a buyer!!

I don't remember where this thought came from, but in cleaning out things, I came across a notebook with bits and pieces of an unfinished poem, and I put it together into this now finished poem.  I am including my ocean watercolor, started, but not finished, of Hatchet Cove in Maine, where our home we are renovating is located.  For now we will be elsewhere.  I will finish it when we get back.

Ocean's Hunger

The hungry mouths of waves begin
to gnash and gnaw, the sand pulled in;
Earth doesn't struggle with the tides
Though back and forth the grains collide.
They gurgle, rush in ocean's throat 
As salty stew stirs them to float;
Away the grains are drawn to sink
To shift, to shape, to form new brink;
My settling heels record the debt   
And we are left to marvel yet
How all the world is set in motion
Through faithful tides of famished ocean,
How edges of our world collapse,
Bits carried far away perhaps
To surface once again all cleansed,
A seascape through some other lens,
Sating still a mind and soul
With crumbs of shore the ocean stole.

by Donna JT Smith, 2019

Visit Mary Lee Hahn at A Year of Reading today to see other poets' and poetry lovers' postings!


  1. It's so nice to see you in Maine! Oh, if only I could be that buyer you are looking for. That winter window is gorgeous. I am wishing you a productive sorting time and quick sale.
    I love the sense of hunger, eating, tasting, swallowing in this brings the ocean right to the reader. I hope you always have at least a crumb of ocean.

    1. I'm hoping for a quick sale, now that we are at least starting the process in earnest. Hired a wonderful realtor with connections to lots of resources and we are getting amazing amounts of work done in a short space of time. When we get back we will be in our renovated home that is across the street from the ocean. I'll get plenty of crumbs then!!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks for popping in, Ruth! I've missed so much time here lately!

  3. I'm headed to the ocean soon, Donna, to taste and feel some grains myself. This is beautiful & nostalgic too. I imagine you miss the waves very much. Best wishes on your sale. Someone is out there who will love your wonderful place.

    1. Enjoy your ocean time, Linda, I will miss it, but I will get back there eventually!

  4. Your poem pairs nicely with the ocean haiku that Robyn shared this week.

    "And we are left to marvel yet
    How all the world is set in motion
    Through faithful tides of famished ocean..."

    Marvel, indeed!

    1. Oooh, I will have to try to pop on over there soon. Thanks, Mary Lee.

  5. What a beautiful place to create beautiful poetry! Ocean's Hunger is lovely!

    1. The back window is where I usually sit to write, often watching the deer or turkeys. It’s very peaceful.

  6. Donna, I know how much you love Maine and the nearby ocean. It is depicted beautifully in your verse, photos, and artwork. Beautiful stirring thought: And we are left to marvel yet/How all the world is set in motion. I would like to capture your tranquil winter scene for my Winter's Embrace Gallery that might surface this coming winter. I am also wondering if you would like to offer your ocean poem and artwork for a spring gallery but I can't make a screenshot.

    1. If you would like to offer your artwork and poem, I will figure out how to get it to a gallery page-please let me know.

    2. I will see if I can steal a few moments for myself tomorrow and get that for you. Thanks, Carol.

  7. With crumbs of shore the ocean stole. WOW, this line is crazy-good! I know it must be hard to leave this cabin you've loved... I'm sure you'll find a buyer quick. So glad you popped in, Donna. xo

    1. Been crazy busy packing and sorting - every muscle is whimpering tonight!

  8. So much beauty--in your log home, the ocean, your watercolor (I hope you'll share again once you finish) and your poem. I love the restless beauty of the waves you capture.

  9. So much work but it will be worth it. I love the painting...I grew up on the coast of Massachusetts and know several similar locations. Beautiful!

  10. I like your painting, Donna! So many talents :-) Good luck with your sale. You certainly keep a lot of kites in the air!

    1. Thanks, Tabatha! Yes...I currently have a couple kites too many, but as long as they are all still flying, I guess I’m okay!

  11. Your painting is beautiful. I wish you so much luck on selling this home. The poem could be in Oregon as well.

    1. Why, yes it could! I imagine we have some of your grains of sand and vice versa!

  12. The house is beautiful! I wish I could snatch it up...perhaps I can convince my husband to relocate :) Good luck with all the preparations. I hope that it will be a quick sale for you.

  13. Love both the poem and the painting. I imagine there will be some sadness at leaving, but still hope you find a buyer who will appreciate it as much as you do.

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. Glad you could pop in Donna. Beautiful poem and watercolor you have going. I'm glad you'll still have a home in Maine. All the best with selling the gorgeous one pictured here. I've painted at a rocky inlet in Maine a long time ago, it's an inspiring area.

  16. Alo-HA Donna...spent the last few days looking at my "collection" of postcards AND found your letter, with postcard puzzle piece "Shows what they're made of: A crystal of rough, A piece of stone To withstand the tough." from 2017....tried to read the entire puzzle AND was told that page does not exist...Sending Peace & Love your way today... StanleydelGozo


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