Friday, October 12, 2018


For today, I thought I'd recap some things I put on FB but didn't put on my blog.  Some or many may have seen and read them, but I am trying to stay focused on a few projects at the house at the moment.  Every time I think we are caught up, another thing comes up and says "He--lo-o?" or "HELLLLLOOOOOOO!!!"
and then we have to respond.  Come November, and I will let you know a bit of what we've been up to.

So I am kind of cheating in a way (in my world anyway) by putting on my blog, things that I've posted recently on FB or other posts for today's Poetry Friday. 


Why can the eyes
of my granddaughter
see into my soul?
Why can I hear
her quiet thoughts
as if they were my own?
How is it that
I feel hurts and joys
of my daughter and my son?
How can I see
my image in
the lives that they’ve begun?
Why do I hear
my mother's voice
when I open my mouth to speak?
Why do I feel
my grandmother's laugh
between my own lips leak?

by ©Donna JT Smith ©10/6/2018

Who Goes There?

I wonder if a little Fawn
might come and softly,
lightly tread
to nibble on
a mushroom head,
or might a creature small
like squirrel
stop to eat
with tail
I think I’ll sit awhile
and see
if maybe,

By Donna JT Smith ©10/10/2018

How Long?

As we grow up we clearly see
Mistakes our fathers made
And see the cost to all of us
That still we’ve not yet paid.
There is no doubt there will be more
Accrued to our account
That never have we done ourselves
Debt owed that none recount.
I’m tiring of accepting loads,
Some misappropriated;
And kindly ask that you would think
To whom you are related.
Your closet may have skeletons
You’d rather were not there
Perhaps you cannot see the past
Ancestral sins you bear.
I try to start each day anew
With clean slate and clean plate
And do my best to live and learn,
Improve some sad estate.
It wears me down and brings a tear
To think of such and such
But everyone has someone’s past
We wish no one would touch.
So keep your words more kind to all
They’re doing all they can
To keep their heads above the flow
And be a better man.

by Donna JT Smith, ©10/8/2018


over maples'
"last hurrah" - 
the end in sight;
it was good
while it lasted

by Donna JT Smith ©10-11-2018

Cry My Last

I’ll cry my last cry
Be done with the grief;
Take in waves of new air
And pray for relief.
Please, God, give me comfort,
Let my soul and mind rest
In the truth that you know
What works for my best.
I’m reaching with hands
Atremble with doubt;
I’m calling your name,
My words want to shout!
Don’t leave me alone.
I’m scared and I’m weak.
I’m listening, Lord, to
Each word that you speak.
I know in my heart
I must stop the bleeding -
You bled for me once,
That’s all that I’m needing.
There’s nothing gone right
Since I went my own way,
Ignoring you, Lord,
And neglecting to pray.
The leaves have turned old
And have fallen to ground,
But before winter rises
I want to be found.
I want to rejoice in
My rekindled life;
I want to have laughter
Unburdened by strife.
As I take to my knees
Before the Lord’s throne,
I’ll cry my last cry and
Groan my last groan;
Renewed and rejoicing
For the miracle’s free;
Step for step with the Lord
Right where I should be. 

By Donna JT Smith, 9/29/18

Why sit we in wonder?
How can we not?
When the wonder is that
He created each spot.

Donna JTSmith

Hope you found a poem or two you enjoyed.
Have a wonderful Friday and try to stop by and read more poems linked at Laura's place: Writing the World for Kids

Could be the last ride of the fall here...temps are dropping now.


  1. Nope, I don't think this is "cheating" at all, Donna. I, for one, am grateful for the replays! I could read "Generations" over and over, a few times more at least.

    1. Thanks! That was the one written in response to September’s Ditty challenge! I’m a bit partial to it, too!

  2. I agree with Michelle--no cheating here! I also enjoyed seeing these all in one place. Some I've seen on Facebook, but others I'd missed. Generations is my favorite of the bunch and I think it would make a wonderful mentor poem. Thanks for sharing and good luck with all those projects!

    1. I will not think it cheating then! It's a collection. I'm looking forward to calm soon, and writing about it.

  3. Hello Donna! I am a happy audience for your social media posts. It seems we are all so dang busy squirreling away nuts for the winter. I sometimes quickly click "like" and don't let you know how many times that words or phrases or lines of your poems touch me. I don't think you are cheating....I will think of it as reflecting and giving your friends time to reflect as well. How's that?
    I especially like the questions you pose--poetically. That wonderment presses us forward, doesn't it? Beautiful words, friend.

    1. That is the beauty of FB! It is nice to be able to do a quick "Like"! And I do enjoy the likes...I've seen you there! This is really an entirely different forum, and I do like the chattiness of the blogs, too!

  4. Count me as another person voting for repeats! Did you take all those photos? They are so perfect for your poems.
    It must be pretty cold to be too cold for your motorcycle? We just had our first chilly day yesterday.

    1. I KNOW I replied to this, but as Laura says - Lost it!
      I did take the photos. All but one was taken this fall.
      Too cold depends on how you dress. I don't have heated clothing, so I insulate, but wind creeps in and you can get hypothermia if you aren't careful. I keep the riding temps above 55 and more like 60 or I don't go.

  5. Oh, man, I had a whole long comment and lost it! Quick recap: NOT cheating. Love these. Generations especially spoke to me, I chuckled over Dragonflying, and Cry My Last churned my stomach. What a great variety here--lovely!

    1. Thanks for taking the extra time recapping what you lost! You did my heart good!


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