Friday, November 3, 2017


It is Poetry Friday.
It is Poetry Friday whether you have electricity or not.
(Update:  WE HAVE POWER!)  Ours went out at 2:30 am on Monday...see yesterday's post.
The storm we had was called a bomb cyclone.  They are caused by a sudden drop in atmospheric pressure.  I guess it was instigated by Tropical Storm Philippe that merged with a cold front (I'd call it  collision, not a merging...but hey, I'm not a weather expert) right over Maine.
But it is still Poetry Friday.  And on Wednesday, I had time to be at Starbucks with lots of other cravers of WiFi and coffee. I had time at LL Bean's coffee shop on the first day of no power.  They had WiFi and iced coffee and iced tea.  No lights.  Just the essentials.

Here's my storm poem.  It's been fun hanging out watching people starving for the Internet and coffee.


We are tethered
to the wall,
Power surges
feeding all;
Lifeblood's concourse,
should it fall,
As a leach minds
nature's call,
So we'll wander
and we'll crawl
Seeking outlets
in the mall
Ere our iPad
starts to stall
With no power
All's a pall.

by Donna JT Smith

Visit more Poetry Friday offerings with the electric Linda Baie at Teacher Dance!


  1. Donna! Hope you don't mind that I feel your communion with
    e.juice/java/tea seekers packs power.full cleverness. Glad the e.juice is juicing now.
    Here in FLA we wondered where Philippe would wander after watering east coast palms & hibiscus. Watching it via the weather reports we saw it truly was a waterwindbomb!

    1. I had ever heard of a bomb cyclone before! We have had teams coming up from other states to help with the restoration of power. What a blessing to have them here!

  2. Isn't it crazy how much we depend on power? Glad you have it again.

    1. It is a bit concerning to think how much we are dependent on something we personally have so little control over.

  3. And what "used to be" when power went. What did we miss? You've shown this latest wonderfully, Donna: "We are tethered/to the wall,/Power surges /feeding all." But when we have lost power, we had the stoves or fireplaces to heat the water or the soup, candles, etc. I remember all of us bunking in the warmest room. Beautifully written response and glad you have power again!

    1. I didn't even get my candles going for this storm! But we did use the grill!

  4. We had high winds and lots of rain here in western CT, but nothing compared to the damage in Maine. Love your poem, and that your power has been restored!

    1. It was an amazing event! Though there were many, many trees lost and lots of power out, there were relatively few trees on buildings, and because it was in the middle of the night, people were safely tucked in bed for the most part.

  5. I could relate only to well to your poem! I found that what I missed most of all on-line were my writing communities. I just found it too difficult to write, read, and comment on my phone. I felt so disconnected! We just got power back this morning (Sat.) and I've never been so happy to do laundry and clean. PS I hadn't heard it was called a bomb cyclone !

    1. I feel like I'm still catching up on that "disconnected" feeling! Glad you have your power back, too!

  6. I'm so glad to hear you've got your power back! A bomb cyclone...who knew? (besides the meteorologists) As usual, you've made lemonade with your lemons. We've got strong thunderstorms and flash floods in our future today/tonight. Fingers crossed we don't wind up powerless!

    1. Best of luck on your power supply! We still have fleets of workers here from other states. Hoping to get a picture this morning of one of their areas where they convene each evening. Still some people without power here. We drove over downed wires even yesterday afternoon, though most roads are passable now. Still posted warnings about not touching wires; they are still hanging in lots of places!

  7. I'm glad your power is restored--and you got a fun (if all too true) poem from the experience.

  8. Hurray for the power of inspiration! I love the play on words of outlets in the mall. :-)

  9. How addicted we all are to wifi. I didn't know how addicted to power I was until a hurricane knocked out my power for a few days. Stir crazy with an icing of rueful self-reflection.

  10. How charged your poem is Donna! Sorry for the horrific storm and power-outage–however it seemed to inspire a spark for you, fun poem, thanks!


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