Friday, October 6, 2017

15 Words and a Dozen More

These were written for Laura Purdie Salas' 15 Words or Less prompt yesterday.
I took this image posted here, but check out Laura's, too!


How many pairs of scissors do you see?

Wash Day

I strung my scissors
out to dry;
To breeze’s song they
clipped the sky.

By Donna JT Smith
Feather Flurry

Feathers will fly -
When mom’s manic,
Hens panic,
Or scissors go awry.

By Donna JT Smith

Happy Poetry Friday, all!  Our hostess today is Violet Nesdoly!
Find more poetry by checking the links on her site here.
 Tomorrow...updates on why I've been scarce and sparsely writing...
Don't read it if you are as busy as I am.  It won't help.

One more poem even though I've had 5 commenters - they will miss this one so I'll repost next Friday.  Don't the scissors seem to be cutting the leaves from the trees?


Falling leaves
Scissors shear
the way;
Happily they
A colorfall

by Donna JT Smith

This one's for Carol Varsalona's fall collection, I think.


  1. That second one made me laugh! It doesn't take much to panic my hens. I can just imagine if I came at them with scissors.

  2. I love the scissors graphic! That second poem made me snort. Thank you for sharing these.

    1. Snorting is always a wonderful compliment! Glad you liked it!

  3. Very fun, Donna. The picture is a winner, and so are your poems!

    1. Thanks, Linda. I really need to portion out my time so I can get around to some poetry today. In a few minutes maybe... got to finish the porch steps right now!

  4. These are wonderful, Donna! Cutting edge creativity! Thursday was a bit of a blur and I never did make it back to see other 15 Words or Less poems. Thanks for reminding me to check them out.

    1. I need to get back there, too! So busy lately...even these replies are moments in time taken as I take a sip of coffee between painting and trips to the hardware store...

  5. What an image! What a pair of (very different) poems!

    1. I took a couple of minutes to get the photo set up, between crawling through my railings and going to meetings.

  6. Thanks for cutting into your busy schedule to post these, Donna. I must say, you do very well with snippets of time!

    1. Oh, my! I am beat today. We got our steps stained last night and today and got the stringers and steps installed today. And the dog just got to use them. She was so excited (and a little apprehensive) about using them for the first time. Ugh! So much better than lowering her down and lifting her up to our high porch! Now for a break.


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