Friday, July 7, 2017

My Writer's Card

Welcome to my Poetry Friday post.  There are lots and lots of poetry sites to visit, if you've never been to a Poetry Friday Party, go visit our hostess Carol at Beyond Literacy Link and click on more links!

Last week I showed you the front of my "business card" quotes because, well, is it a business?  I guess it's my "writer's card".  A card I can hand out when I'm writing something and need to let the person know what I'm doing.  Sometimes it might involve them, as being like the star of a poem...or their license plate or lobster boat is my topic.  It means they can easily get to the site and see what I've written.  I've handed out one card.  There isn't a big rush on them.  But I'm ready!

Here's the front again:

On the back I have part of this poem about whales:

A Wail of Whales

Once I heard
a herd at sea
The scene was seen
by none but me
I called and heard
The herd call back
A wail of whales -
Some plump humpbacks
Their siren cries
Salted the sea
The yearning calls
Assaulted me
And I walked in
Braved frothy waves
To greet them in their
Sea enclave.
I swam a bit
And gave a shout
My answer was
A waterspout.
Whales’ echoing
Off ocean floor
Gently nudged me
Back to shore
“We’re happy that you
Came to to see
What’s happening
Out here at sea,
But truly you must
Use a boat
For you never were
Meant to float
Nor sink even
For that is worse
You’re not a whale
And that’s a curse!
Next time you see us
Use a dinghy
Paddles, oars,
Or motor thingy
Don’t visit without
Safety vest;
Listen to us for
Whales know best!
There’s no spare air
In watery deep
Unless you’ve gills
Or you can leap
And grab with gusto
Air you need
Before you dive
Below to feed.
Next time you’re here
You should be found
By looking up
And not around.

By Donna JT Smith, June 17, 2017

Next Friday, July 14, is National Macaroni and Cheese Day!  Come join in the fun of some cheesy, pasta poetry next week!


  1. Ha! motor thingy! That's great....I mean rhyming with dinghy....that's a feat in itself. Wonderful cards, Donna. I hope you pass them all out and need to order more!

    1. I guess I could have tried to use clingy or stringy, but motor thingy appeared! LOL!

  2. Donna, you have a great sense of humor. As I'm off to the beach, I will share with the family this advice, timely for me. Love the card, hope it's the week to give it out again!

  3. "You’re not a whale
    And that’s a curse!" -- I was feeling kinda bummed about that, reading this.
    Which part is on your card?

    1. The beginning to the line "I swam a bit"...then it says to see me about the rest of the poem. I'm going to see if I can memorize it to say it, and if not I'll refer them to the page. Should have put this unique url on the card for that I guess! I meant to put my QR code on it - forgot!

  4. I like to hand out my cards at meet and greets and conferences. I like meeting other writers and forming connections.

    1. Good idea! I don't go to many of those now, but maybe I should be finding some!

  5. Clever, Donna! I look forward each week to what whale of a poem you will have in store for us!

  6. Donna, this poem has such a great flow to it. I can definitely see me reading it to my granddaughter. Perhaps, she will enjoy it as much as I. Keep passing out those cards of yours.

  7. Whales know best! I love this poem, Donna! Such fun!

  8. So fun, and so good for you for reaching out and spreading your whaley good poetry! OK, bad pun there, but the sentiment remains. ;-)

  9. At first, I missed the words "a part of" and I was trying to figure out how you got that long skinny poem on the back of a card! LOL!

    Great poem. You are a master of rhyme. Yes to dingy and thingy, but also salted the sea and assaulted me. Wow.

  10. Donna, I love your "A Wail of Whales" poem it's simply whalevelous and the card is too!


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