Friday, June 23, 2017

Poetry Friday Bumbershoots

On Thursdays, Laura Purdie Salas has an image and a challenge to write to the image in 15 words or less.  This week she had a picture taken at the Maple Grove Chalk Art Festival where it had been raining. 
(Here's a portion of Laura's image)

Here's my response:


Oh, Dat a Whay!

On, shumberboots;
Up, bubber roots;
Through ruddled poutes!
The rind and wain are in hacoots!

by Donna JT Smith


Oh, What a Day!

Up, bumbershoots;
On, rubber boots;
Through puddled routes!
The wind and rain are in cahoots!

by Donna JT Smith


I have been "off the air" for a while, trying to get some things straightened out with our new house.  Maybe I'll try to write about it soon.  We are not there yet.  I am living in piles of boxes - some packed, some unpacked, and some half-way filed; and surrounded by stuff that has had to be unpacked because we had to have some item in the two month delay and  ever-changing move-in date.

We have just recently had installed a beautiful new set of kitchen cabinets at our new home, but it will be ripped out in a couple of days, due to a very poor installation job and some design problems... Good news, though.  Lowe's is covering it all.  It was really bad.  Really.  Bad.  Thankfully, Lowe's immediately responded and has treated us fairly.  I will continue to shop there and recommend them.  I don't even think I want to show the images of the disaster, as they have been so gracious and willing to make it all right.  I will show images when the finished kitchen is all displayed in it's buttery splendor, though!

Happy here.  Have a wonderful Poetry Friday!  Go visit our hostess, Heidi, at My Juicy Little Universe and see what poetry treats are in store!


  1. These are so much fun, Donna. "Bumbershoot" appears in Eve Merriam's poem "Weather," which I use to teach onomatopoeia. I especially like your "shumberboots"!

    1. How could I have missed ever reading this poem? I don't get out much, I guess! I love it! Thanks for helping me grow my brain today!

  2. You inspire me to play more with my words!

    1. My dad liked to play with words some, saying words backwards to us, to see how they'd sound and if we could figure out what he'd said. He'd misuse words because he liked the sound of them instead of the correct word. Though he had little time for reading, and only wrote out bills, I think his "playing" got me to thinking about writing words.

  3. What a fun poem! Good luck with all the hassle of moving and renovating. Soon it will be done and hopefully worth it all.

    1. Thanks, Kay! I'm sure it will be worth the wait. We have decided to enjoy ourselves another summer here and move when we can.

  4. The rind and wain are in hacoots! Ha ha! Love what you've done here!

    1. We have had so much wind and rain! Sudden downpours along with all day mists have given rise to little biting critters galore! Yay...

  5. Sorry about the delays, but glad that you aren't liable for the cost! I think your poem shenanigan is terrific, the title of which I may print & put by my computer. "Oh, Dat a Whay!" fits some days! Best wishes in the boxes!

    1. I can't tell you how relieved I was to have the people at all levels at Lowe's agree that the job was botched. A moment that was not their finest hour has been redeemed to be a very fine hour for them after all! "Oh, Dat a Whay!" may be made into a poster for our new home! Great idea!

  6. Oh, renovations! So wonderful when done well, but oh what a headache when things go wrong!

    What fun to play with words, the right poem can even make a rainy day something worth smiling about. :)

    1. I was smiling yesterday, when I realized I was riding in the car instead of on the motorcycle during the downpour! Could'a been in that with some other bikers I saw!

  7. Sorry to hear of your kitchen travails, but can't wait to see the final result. I love both your poems, and agree with Mary Lee. I need to more word play in my life!

  8. I love seeing this playful poetry on your blog. You inspire me to try wordplay. Love shumberboots and bumber roots! Hope you get settled soon.

  9. Hello, Donna! I've been absent too, but your poems (doublebumberscoot)remind me how much I love your wordfoolery. I'm so sorry to hear about the delays in your move and the cabinet disaster!

    I apologize also for taking a full week to get around to your post, but we left early Saturday for a trip to France where Internet has been iffy, and I've been trying to establish my summer writing habits. Hope to see you often this summer!


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