Friday, June 30, 2017

I Mean Business

I have spent time explaining to people what I do when I'm photographing their license plates to write a poem, and each time I've thought, why don't I just have a business card?  Then they could go read their vanity poem on my site someday.  But I never pursued it or thought about it again until the next time I tried to tell someone where to look for my poems.

But now I've done it.  And I even handed out a card last weekend.  Remember my OLW (one little word) for this year is REACH?  Well, I figure, the card is another way to REACH people.  AND (sorry for all the YELLING...but I'm not REALLY yelling...)
REACH I did.

We went on our trek to Starbucks last week, and the first thing (things? event? people?) I noticed was a group of 4 women, a man and a baby, all sitting together at the big table in the center of the room.  And they were happy, chatty and cooing.  The new baby boy was in the midst of all these adults, and though the baby was not giggling and smiling - being brand new and all - the adults surrounding him were beaming and handing him around the table for 5 or 10 minute stints with each one.

I was so enthralled with the happy group as I sat in a corner chair.  My husband and son were talking together, but I was watching the loving group at the big table together.  And I began to write.  I finished just as they were about to disperse.  They were clearing their table.  And I had to decide, would I or wouldn't I give them this poem?

I decided to reach out.  I walked over and told them I'd enjoyed seeing the joy they had at this new baby.  I met the mom - a local;  I met the great grandmother - visiting from PA.  I had them read my draft on the iPad, I gave them my card AND got their email address to send them a copy of the baby's poem.  They beamed some more, dropped a few more kissed on the baby and left.

Then I emailed them this:

New Baby Boy

Sweet the beaming smiles;
Love spills;
A family grows by one -
No frills;
By leaps, by bounds
It fills
The whole of souls
And wills
Our hands to fold
Each heart to hold;
And stills
Time briefly
He's overnight a man.

By Donna JT Smith

Hope you have a wonderful stay and enjoy that new soul! He is blessed to have such a loving family surrounding him!

I want to do this again sometime.  It felt amazing to watch the event, to be compelled to write, to take the moment to write and then to give that poem away.  I'm glad I took that opportunity to REACH out...and so glad I had my card!  

Oh, I almost forgot - when I gave them my card, they looked at the front and exclaimed, "Look what's on the front!  A whale!"  It's the mom's favorite!  Who knew my first card handed out, would be JUST one more connection that day?

Next up... head to see who else has poetry offerings at Random Noodling where Diane is hosting Poetry Friday today!


  1. I'm glad you decided to REACH, Donna. We are all connected. I like your card very much, too. A Whale of a good card. It had to be said.

    1. I've never handed a stranger one of my poems. What a rush! Wouldn't THAT be an interesting challenge for oneself? On one day a week, or month, write and give a poem to someone you don't know! Scary but fun!
      I have "A Wail of Whales" poem on the back of my card that I'll share next Friday.

  2. Donna, your post made me tear up. What a lovely gesture--to offer a gift to strangers. Good for you on creating the business card. It's a keeper! (Which is something everyone wants when they hand out a business card.)

    1. I'm kind of excited to see when the next "moment" will happen!

  3. Terrific-looking card! Wow, that family must have been very surprised and touched. Looking forward to future reports...

    1. As I told Diane, I am excited to see when the next moment will happen - and I do hope it is soon! I'd love to have it be something I could do more than once!

  4. What a special gift you gave to that family. Loved that you bravely REACHED! -- Christie @

  5. You are reaching out and making so many new relationships and connections. This is an awesome idea, Donna!

  6. The connections are smile-making, including your own "reaching" for the first time, Donna. This is a lovely story about you, about poetry, about love. There's nothing nicer! FYI-I still look for vanity plates here, & see almost none! I do think of you as I'm driving, hoping to find a plate that you'll love!

    1. Thank, Linda! I surprised myself with that "reach"!
      And about the plates...
      Maine is really much more into vanity than other states, I guess!! They must be less expensive to do here than other places.

  7. I keep thinking I should get a card too, Donna, but I think of myself as amateur not a business. Now what about an amateur's card? Sue

    1. I consider myself an amateur also! The card is merely so I can let people know that I've written something they may be interested in. In April, during the AtoZ Challenge, I take pictures and post a poem a day, and often it is something that I may talk to someone about when I'm taking the picture. It's nice to be able to direct them to my blog where the poem may be in a couple of months - they don't have to write down the long url then. Get a card - Vistaprint does them inexpensively and quickly!

  8. What a gift you have given to them. I am sure receiving was just as special as writing and sending. But oh, if only we could "still that time" even if only for a day!

  9. Hooray for your reaching out! Thank you for sharing this wonderful story and poem with us, Donna.

    1. Reach has been a good word for this year. These OLWs are so inspiring. What if I'd had one each year of my life (well, after the age of 6 anyway)?

  10. I love this story of how you used poetry to reach out to others and make connections Just think of the wave of goodness we could spread if we all did just a little more to reach out, too. You've inspired me.

    1. It was a sweet connection and I'm excited to see if I "find a poem" again to give to someone else.

  11. You are something else, Donna! What a sweet and giving thing to do. Keep on reaching... and before you know it, you'll be inspiring others to join you on this adventure.

  12. I love this story (and the poem) so much! You inspire me!

    1. Thanks, Mary Lee. I must say you do quite a good job inspiring me!

  13. I love your poem, your card with the wonderful whale, and this delightful story–here's to more reaching and writing, Happy 4th of July Donna!

    1. Thanks, Michelle! Hope your Fourth is fun, too!

  14. Well done! I might be inspired by a scene to write a poem, but I'm far too painfully shy to ever approach a stranger in a coffee shop - maybe I should make "reach" my word next year and try to work on that confidence! :-)

    1. I know what you mean about being shy. I actually am quite shy, and work on it all the time. Doing this felt right at the time. I'd like to do it again, but I don't know if I'd be forcing it too much another time. I'm ready though!

  15. how fun to reach out and share your poem with them. I love this idea.

  16. Hooray for you reaching out, Donna. I wish you were in my midst with my new little arrival, Sierra. The mom was lucky to have met you and have a beautiful poem created just for her. How wonderful.

    1. I've been thinking about your and your new little one! I'm emailing you...

    2. I just saw this response, Donna. Wow, you did send me something-a beautiful poem for Grandma and Sierra. Thank you.

  17. They must have felt visited by the angel of poetry! What a sweet gesture! And hurray for pursuing your OLW with such enthusiasm.

    1. It is a challenge to find new ways to reach. Taking those opportunities to reach, so far, have been rewarding in one way or another - and hopefully, not just for me.


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