Saturday, February 11, 2017

Snow Globe Morning

These are my evenings: Ginger (the dog) lounging in a chair of her own, my husband watching tv with remote in hand, Noah (the cat) on his lap,and I in my chair beside them.
Sometimes the cat is in the empty chair, sometimes on my lap.  But when it is tv time, we are all together settled in, and life is good.
The windows afford a snowy view in storms, give the dog entertainment when squirrels, deer or turkeys cut through.  She gives warning to the cat that there is something to attend to or that she is protecting him from the UPS man or the snowplow.  And sometimes they both just sit and watch.
I guess this house lends itself to lots of watching.  It's a comfortable house.  And I will miss it when we move.  Our contractor tells us it is now going to be the middle of April when our house in Friendship is done or at least livable and finishable with us in it.
But I will miss this place and the memories it holds in its cedar logs, in each knot that stares at me with soulful eyes.  I will miss the feeling of being in a reversed snow globe in winter storms.  I will miss the privacy of a front yard where I can go outside in nightgown to stand and look at stars or take the dog out one more time.
It is getting close to the time though, that I must realign my thinking to the practical, to the possibilities, to the moving ahead-ness of life.  We are retired.  The new house is smaller.  It is WAY closer to the ocean - though we are close and on an island now, the renovated home is just across the street from the ocean and a mile to the beach.  It is something I've always dreamed of.  It is time to have a dream come true.  Isn't it funny how you can wonder if the dream is REALLY what you want?  Is the dream what you REALLY need?  Are dreams ever real or meant to be real?  So maybe that is not what I need to focus on.  It is more the moving ahead and being practical.  I am afraid though that the taxes will be too high and we will end up selling it anyway.  So then where are we?  Good question.  Another adventure.

Snowy Morning

Sifting flakes floating
White erasing evidence
Of other seasons

1 comment:

  1. This is a beautiful post and I thank you for this glimpse into your world. I send you best wishes as you move! I know those events are bittersweet, but I know it will all go well. No doubt you have put long hours of thought and prayer into this decision.
    We will be faced with this someday, too. So I love your questions - "Isn't it funny how you can wonder if the dream is REALLY what you want?  Is the dream what you REALLY need?" Those thoughts are so very REAL!


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