Sunday, February 12, 2017

No Rest for the Weary

There's a lot on my plate lately it seems, and rising very early has become the norm.  Remembering to breathe deeply and regularly has become something I feel I need to prompt myself to do.  Don't worry.  It sounds dire.  It is not.  I am just not feeling the best I've ever felt in my life, but I'm not going to discuss it here.  Just know that I'm not sleeping much, nor eating much.  Yesterday was my first solid food in 18 days - and that was a scrambled egg and some chicken with rice soup.  Yay.  Jello and Italian ice are getting tiresome!
I've kept up with my poetry most days, and am completing the World Peace Poetry Postcard exchange.  There were 20 people on my list to send to, and I doubled+ the number of cards to go out, duplicating postcards for bloggers who would like one.  If you would like a card, send me your address, and I will get one to you!
I broke, twisted and adapted the suggested rules for this exchange.  Instead of writing a poem a day, I took a couple of days and wrote a 20 stanza poem and broke it up into 20 pieces - one stanza on each card.  March 3 will be a total poem reveal day on my blog.   Instead of sending a card a day, I sent the World Peace Poetry exchange cards all at once, and will send the other cards out as requested.  So let me know where to send one!  You keep me breathing! (Not literally...don't panic!) LOL (This is literally...)!  I'm excited to share!

Breathe In

let those boulders
breathe out
drop, your shoulders
breathe in
relax, your grimace
breathe out
fade, your jawline
breathe in
ease, your fingers
breathe out
slack, your arms
breathe in
float, your eyes
breathe out
close, your mind
breathe in
rest, your heart
breathe out
open, your soul
breathe in
breathe out
breathe in

MEANWHILE - the blizzard is going to be starting around 9 am today for us and continuing through the evening on Monday.  Looks like it is shaping up nicely out there.  Where we are, when we get snowed in, we really get snowed in.  It's a mile of unplowed road to get to the slightly plowed main road to town.

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