Monday, September 12, 2016

Yesterday or Tomorrow?

As I visited Poetry Friday offerings ... a bit late because my husband and I made a quick decision to go to PA and see the Sight and Sound production of "Samson" for our anniversary Friday night! (amazing, amazing, loved it, loved it)... I went to Carol Varsalona's poem "Summer Moved On", and as I was commenting, I found I was beginning a poem.  So I stopped and moved it over here!
I should keep track of how many poems I've written because I've read a post and my comment to it became a poem.  It has happened a number of times.  I thought it was a fluke probably the first time, but now I'm realizing what rich soil I'm blogging in!  There is inspiration and motivation and instigation wherever I look, listen or read!

Yesterday or Tomorrow?

I remember it like it was yesterday
It was there just moments ago -
Remember yesterday,
When summer was here?
Did it lag behind us,
Get left in our dust?
Or did it move on past us
When we were not aware
Of it’s changing pace
Its need to race?
Were we the ones
That summer passed
Or could it be we
Went too fast?
No matter which.
The day will come
When we greet summer
Once again -
Either up ahead
Where it has sped
And now lounges
In the sun
Waiting for us to catch up
As we dig a path
Out of snow,
Plant those seeds
In a row,
To show up
Just in time;
Or from behind
It overtakes
Tapping us on the shoulder
To say, “Boo!”
“I’m here again!”
But you knew
It was creeping up;
It never really surprises you -
Except for that
Bit of yellow dandelion
And the shoots of green
That took you unawares
Yesterday -
That dewy morning,
When you dripped
some drops
Of salty tears as the
Butterfly stopped to
And leave a kiss
So you'll always

This poem was instigated by a couple of things:
reading Carol's post on Friday AND somewhere that I can't recall now, the word "yesterday" struck me.  And the two together started to mesh and mush into a question of where we are in the cycle of the seasons... are we the ones moving or are the cycles?  Are they coming up from behind or are they in front of us?  Either way, it seems like only yesterday that summer was here.


  1. You captured the passage of time well. My summer was wonderful, but it flew by and now it seems like a hazy dream in my past.

    I also think that a comment on a blog post can be expanded to make for ones own blog post. I've done this as well, not in verse, but ideas expanded upon in prose. Tackling verse is something I've considered, but so far my attempts at comment inspired poetry have only been done when I visit Pat Hatt's site.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

  2. Lovely poem. It made me think back on my childhood summers and how quickly they went. Each year flies by. Every time I certain holidays or moments pass I think, now I have to wait a whole year. But then they are upon me faster than I think.

  3. Donna, thank you for the shoutout and the wonderful poem of seasons passing on. I am wondering if you can add a photo to the first part of your poem for my gallery that I am working on now?
    Yesterday or Tomorrow?

    I remember it like it was yesterday
    It was there just moments ago -
    Remember yesterday,
    When summer was here?
    Did it lag behind us,
    Get left in our dust?
    Or did it move on past us
    When we were not aware
    Of it’s changing pace
    Its need to race?
    Were we the ones
    That summer passed
    Or could it be we
    Went too fast?
    No matter which.
    The day will come
    When we greet summer
    Once again -
    If we end at fast, you could give the link to the rest of the poem. Let me know what you think by sending me an email. I look forward to hearing what you think. I like the idea as one of the ending poems for the gallery.


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