Friday, June 3, 2016

Spark 29

Today for Poetry Friday, I am merely going to point you in a direction....
Spark 29, organized by Amy Souza, is now being uploaded item by item on the GetSparked website.  Writers and artists are paired and then given 10 days to respond to a work that they are given by their partners.  I participated for this session as both artist and writer and was paired up with Alyscia Cunningham, who also signed up as artist and writer.  Alyscia sent me a piece of writing, called "Journey to Iceland".  I did a watercolor as a response to it.   And she sent me a photograph, to which I responded with a poem.  The poem may be found here and the watercolor with her story is here.
Shortly Alyscia will post my writing with her artistic interpretation, and my art/photograph with her written response.  Keep checking for more pairings at, and consider joining in for Spark 30!
Thanks Jone for hosting today!  There are more links to poetry on her website "Check It Out"!


  1. Oh, that is a cool poem. Wonderful idea. Thank you for sharing this!

    1. Nice to meet you, Linda! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. What a cool project. Enjoyed your poem and watercolor (why didn't I know before that you painted?). Great job!

    1. I'm a secret painter! I've actually only recently begun painting, though tried it once before in my 20's for a few weeks. I am enjoying it, but I haven't quite created any masterpieces!
      This project has been fun. I've participated a couple of times.

  3. Not an easy photograph to write to, Donna – I love what you were able to pull out of it. And that watercolor... simply gorgeous!

    1. The recurring line "I wear my heart on my sleeve", came to me immediately upon seeing the image. I had to quickly jot it down so I could remember it, of course! The poem was finished well ahead of the painting! I ended up being pleased with the watercolor, but it was a bit of a workout to get to what I'd envisioned. Thanks!

  4. I agree with Michelle - not an easy photo to write to. But your poem was perfect. Beautiful. Kudos to you.

    1. Thanks, Kat! Glad you popped on over there. There's writing and art from others going up on the site daily for the next week.

  5. Wow, what a great project, Donna, and I love your poem - amazing. =)

    1. Thanks, Bridget! This project is so much fun to do. I've been fortunate to have great partners with works that kind of match my style or personality. I'm not into dark, and neither have my partners!

  6. Love the pairings. :-) Your painting if very Monet. :-)


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