Tuesday, November 24, 2015


Here's my Slice of Santa Life today.  Join others over at Two Writing Teachers where others are sharing slices of their lives, too.

This week was the beginning of the Christmas season for my husband and me.  Kind of.  This has happened over the last couple of years.  I don't know why, but suddenly we have become the color, size and age to be the Claus Couple.
On Sunday, it happened again for the first time since last year probably almost to the day.
We were greeted at Cabela's as Mr. And Mrs. Claus!  Two years ago, we were stopped in a restaurant while eating breakfast, by a grandmother and her granddaughter who wanted to meet us.  The granddaughter was convinced she was meeting Mr. and Mrs. Claus - THE Mr. and Mrs. Claus.  And we had no reason to burst her bubble.  What a compliment!  Except maybe for the weight issue.
We are often greeted in a Starbucks, with "Hello!  It's Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus!"  Not that we go to many Starbucks, but... well, yes, we do... so it has happened a few times in Starbucks.
This year, as I said, we were in Cabela's, which we frequent.... frequently.  I like being redundant and saying things more than once.  Speaking of which, we were called the Clauses twice while we were there.
Even though we are never dressed in our formal red and furry white attire, traveling incognito, we seem to be recognized.  Sitting in Cabela's, in the camouflaged chairs, it almost seemed like we should be doing photo shoots and asking kids what they wanted for Christmas. 

Move over, Santa Claus, the Santa Smiths are in town for Chrismith!


  1. When you are a celebrity you just can't hide the fact. If you and your husband are being recognized as The Clauses then that says something of the kind of people you are.Happy Thanksgiving.

  2. That is so funny! And I agree with the above commenter--you must be happy people to be mistaken like that. :)
    Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. I guess we are pretty happy most all the time. Maybe that's it. It's funny, too, that people seem very comfortable in calling it out!

  3. I love it! I can't think of a better couple to be! Happy Holidays!

    1. I think you are right! Who wouldn't want to be "mistaken" (Ho, ho, ho!) for the Claus Couple?

  4. It's quite a wonderful thing, Donna, to be recognized in such a way. As a child I always wondered what Santa and the Mrs. wore when not "on duty". Now I know! Happy Thanksgiving, enjoy that Chrismith spirit every day.

    1. We're pretty "plain clothes" most of the year, and no one really notices us until just before Thanksgiving! It is kind of fun!

  5. What happens when you wear red? Happy ho ho holidays!

  6. What a fun post! And how exciting for the children who think they have seen Mr. and Mrs. Clause. Tis the season. I am sure you will be recognized every time you leave the house. Happy Thanksgiving! Jackie


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