Friday, January 16, 2015


It is Poetry Friday, so it's time to get a good, healthy dose of poetry.  The poets and poems are being hosted at Live Your Poem with Irene Latham.

Some good friends of ours, (well, they are good friends of my daughter, but I have come to know them as our own personal friends also) some time ago, decided to adopt.  They have three children, and decided they would adopt their fourth child.  They wanted a boy, which would mean they would have two girls and two boys then.  It would be most likely an infant, and from the USA.  They would name this baby boy, John.

But that is not exactly how it turned out.  To read their story, Mom has started a blog.  She has never blogged before, so it is a work in progress.  Please, go here to learn more about the incredible journey to bring John home: His Name is John: Our Story.

I wrote them a poem for John, when they found him.  We could all see him, read about him, pray for him, etc. but he could not know yet that there was a family - real people somewhere desperately trying to find a way to make his dream of a family come true, wanting to make him a part of their family.  When I too saw his pictures and video, it struck me how much we already knew about him, how much was being put in place to have this happen...and yet, he knew nothing of it.  His world had not changed, but for others it was changing already.

You Don't Know

We know your name
We’ve seen your face.
In a faraway place.

You don’t know,
We know you;

The time is coming;
to be a brother,
To have a mother.

You don’t know,
We know your laugh,

And wistful wishes;
We’ve seen the gleam,
We know your dream.

You don’t know,
We hold your picture,

As we speak your name
In our prayers, too,
Asking blessings for you,

You don’t know,
At your new home

Your family awaits
Holding your space
In the family embrace.

You don’t know,
You will know

©Donna JT Smith, all rights reserved

A portion of Abbey's Blog Post starts here:

Here is our story about God leading us to adopt John (Zhen Zhen).  I hope you are blessed by seeing God's Hand as we have been!

These are just some of the things I wrote down about John's story and ours coming together.  Many of you have read this in an email I sent at the beginning of all of this, but I thought it was the best way to get the story on the blog (finally!)

In the fall of 2013 Ethan and I had a light-hearted yet real conversation like this:

Ethan: “We need another boy.  Sam needs a brother.”
Me: “Let’s adopt one.”
Ethan: “Okay.”
Me: “Really?”
Ethan: “Yeah.”
Me: “Let’s pray, then.  If God wants us to adopt a boy, He will make it happen.  It’s not hard for Him…  Dear God, if you want us to adopt a boy, we will.  Please make it happen if you want us to.”

That must have been November 21, 2013, because two weeks later I wrote in my prayer journal the date 40 weeks from that night.  I didn’t know “why” but along the lines of, “Hey- maybe our baby is being created right now and we can pray for him from the start of his life until birth.” The date I wrote: August 28.

Two weeks later, Ethan and I watched a documentary about adoption called, “Stuck.”  We had been praying and thinking about adoption, but that night we literally shook hands—agreeing that we would start taking steps toward adoption and only stop if God told us otherwise along the way.  I also wrote down the date 40 weeks from that day.  In my prayer journal it says:
“John” (Aug. 28, Sept. 11?)

Sometime in the fall (soon after we decided and felt led to start taking steps) I was reading my Bible and praying.  I wrote down, “The work of this adoption will be done in prayer.”

I wrote each of our kids’ names and the theme of their name, story, birth, etc.  It looks like this:
  • Child #1's Name: Ask Your Heavenly Father for what you want.
  • Child #2's Name: Let our children exist for God’s Glory.
  • Child #3's Name: Please, ask specifics! 
  • (John) Child we don’t know yet: salvation, adoption, protection, funding, matching.  PRAY IN FAITH!  John 1:6-13; Luke 1:63-80
I recently reread those Scriptures and am reminded of the message I heard from the Lord that morning about our future son.  Name him John.  He will be like John the Baptist in that he will lead people out of darkness into the Light—sharing salvation and the forgiveness of sins.  Just like the themes and beautiful messages God gave us with our biological children, those passages, I believe, mean something significant about John and God’s plans for his life.

Since that day I have been praying for our hopeful adopted son by the name of John.


Thank you for reading.  But there is more to his story... for more of the story and to keep updated on the adoption process please go to her blog:
The adoption agency does not want images of him online yet.  Sorry. When it is permissible, I will put his picture online.


  1. What a lovely story, Donna. I don't remember if you know, but my children are adopted, as are my brother's children, two very good friends have adopted children-special! Thanks for this story, and for your poem. Welcome John!

    1. No, I didn't know you had adopted. What wonderful blessings for all! When I look at the children available, I so wish we weren't too old to adopt now.

  2. This is a great story! I have always wanted to adopt. Hopefully some year I'll be able to. :)

    1. You should check out the site - get an account set up so you can see the children that are waiting. You may be called to adopt sooner than you think!

  3. I love that poems are being created as prayers for him before he joins your circle of family and friends! What a beautiful gift to share with John when he arrives.

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Keri! I'm excited to get to meet John soon - hopefully this spring/summer.

  4. There is so much hope in their story and your poem!

  5. Your poem is beautiful! My oldest joined our family by adoption (at 36 hours old), my youngest by birth - I can honestly say the children you are meant to have find you. No. Matter. What. Sending good vibes to John and his family. =)

    1. They seem to be meant to be together as a family!

  6. Stories like these restore my faith in humanity. So much love and light. Thank you for sharing this.

    1. They are bound for much joy and happiness in their lives together! Thanks for dropping in!

  7. What a wonderful story! So happy for little John :)

  8. Wow, that was heart-warming, Donna! Wonderful story!

    And your poem was fabulous! I love it!!!

    Happy Blitz Day!!!

    1. I'm happy you liked the poem - they will share it with John soon.

  9. What a great poem!

    Happy Blitz Day Donna!

  10. Loved the poem. And excited for your friends and John. I'm an adoptive mom and it's a wonderful way to become a family. Happy Blitz Day!

    1. I'm glad you liked my poem for John and his family. Thanks for joining in the Blitz!

  11. My favorite lines are We’ve seen the gleam, We know your dream. Awesome poem...and a wonderful story behind it!

    BTW...I think you're being BLITZED today. :) Enjoy.

    1. Oh, thank you for the Blitz! What a surprise to wake up to!

  12. What a lovely poem and cute little boy. Lucky boy to have a loving family waiting for him.
    Happy Blitz Day.

    1. He is indeed very blessed to have some wonderful people waiting!

  13. What a wonderful story. Adoption is a beautiful thing. All children should have loving families.
    Happy blitz day!

  14. Oh, that poem made me tear up. It's amazing how you all can feel so much love for someone you've not met yet. What a lucky boy & what a lucky family!

  15. This is so beautiful. The poem is wonderful, and I am sure John will cherish it as he grows up in his new home. I'm so glad I found this on Blitz Day!

  16. Lovely poem. I do poetry Friday too. Nice to meet a fellow poet. Adoption is a fantastic way to make the puzzle complete for a husband and wife and his new siblings. John will love this. It's magnificent. I'm a lover of the Lord and I know that he speaks to us (glad they listened and named him John). Happy blitz day! :-)

  17. Hello, Donna! Nice to meet you! Happy Blitz Day!
    And best of luck to your friends and to John. I hope they get to meet each other in person soon!

  18. Beautiful poem, heartwarming and poignant. John and his new family are very fortunate, indeed.
    Wishing you the happiest of Blitz Days, Donna!

    VR Barkowski

  19. What a lovely poem. Good luck to John and your friends. Happy blitz day! :)

  20. Wonderful poem. Glad he knows he's going somewhere special soon. God answers prayers.
    Happy Blitz day!

  21. Wow. Very sweet.


    You've been blitzed!
    Have a great day!

  22. What a wonderful story and a beautiful poem. I hope the family will be complete soon.
    Happy Blitz Day!

  23. What great gift you have. Lovely poems. Happy Blitz Day!

  24. What an inspiring story! Happy blitz day!

  25. What a wonderful story. We'd gone through the adoption process and almost adopted a girl. (Sadly she was sent back to her awful mother.)

    Happy Blitz day!

  26. A beautiful poem and story. Happy Blitz Day!

  27. Congrats on you and John finding each other. Happy Blitz!

  28. What an uplifting post! Blessings on all of you and {{{{hugs}}}
    Happy Blitz Day!

  29. A wonderful and inspiring story. Happy Blitz Day!

  30. What a lovely poem. Happy Blitz!

  31. Adoption is a wonderful option for those who want kids to raise. Thankfully there are those who can give a lovely environment to children who need that.

    Happy Blitz Day to you!

    Tossing It Out

  32. John is going to feel blessed when he meets his family.
    Happy Blitz Day.

  33. I have a few friends that have chosen adoption. They are wonderful parents and I am so happy that their families are whole. I read once that it is not blood, but love.

    Happy Blitz Day!!

  34. What a lovely gift you've written.
    Happy Blitz Day, Donna!

  35. What a touching story, and beautiful poem. I hope everything goes well for them!

  36. What a wonderful uplifting story about a family with lotsa love to give. Love your poem, too.

    And... oh yeah! I'm popped in to wish you a very happy blitz day... enjoy!

  37. What a wonderful demonstration of love adoption is. I hope your friends soon have John home.

    Happy Blog Blitz Day!

  38. Adoption is one of the greatest gifts of love.
    Happy Blitz Day!

  39. Happy Blitz Day! Adoption is such an awesome, special thing, even if it's no longer as popular as it was a few decades ago. The name John is also such a breath of fresh air these days, after it's fallen so far down the popularity charts.

  40. I think adopting a child must be one of the most rewarding experiences ever. Finding each other in the wide world and making each other family is such a lovely thing. Loved reading this story and hope that John arrives soon!

  41. Adoption is such an awesome thing! It sounds like John is coming to a good home.

    Happy Blitz Day!

  42. Ah. That was lovely. Tearing up a bit over here... I have friends who are trying to adopt. They're waiting to hear if/when they get a little one. I am so hopeful for them, and for whatever little one gets to have them as parents.
    Happy Blitz Day!

  43. Beautiful story. If you have love to go around, you should share it!

    Happy Blitz Day!

  44. Nice poem, Donna. I have several friends who have adopted. HAPPY BLITZ DAY!!

  45. Happy Blitz Day! Your poem's a wonderful tribute to the loving families who've chosen adoption.

  46. I love this post! It is so nice to meet you~

    Happy Blitz Day! I so agree this is a beautiful tribute~

  47. He is adorable. Your journey has been truly blessed.

  48. Happy blitz day. Very uplifting post.

  49. I already commented on this one when you first posted it, so I'll just say HAPPY BLITZ DAY!!!!!!

  50. Lovely poem and sentiments. :)

    Happy Blitz Day.

  51. A lovely poem of faith and hope.

    I went to Abbey's website and read her story. I think what touched me was the family's faith and big hearts filled with the willingness to adopt an older child and one with special needs. The whole family was on board and working toward this. The whole story brought a smile to my heart.

    I'm glad you posted a picture. I was hoping for one on Abbey's site but didn't see one.

    Sia McKye Over Coffee

    Ps, if my comment appears twice, the first time it didn't post. So I did it again. :-)

    1. Unfortunately, I had to remove the picture of John also. The adoption agency said "not yet", and not wanting to jeopardize the process, I have removed his picture. Hopefully soon it will be okay.

  52. How inspiring! Thanks for sharing.
    Happy Blitz Day!

  53. Happy Blitz Day! What a lovely story, and poem.

  54. Wow! Thanks for sharing that poem and the adoption story!
    Happy Blitz Day!

  55. That's a great story. Adoption is such a precious gift.
    Hope you're having a Blitzriffic day.

  56. What a beautiful and moving poem!

    Happy Blitz Day!

  57. What a wonderful poem and story!
    Happy Blitz Day!

  58. What a beautiful poem and extraordinary story. Enjoy being blitzed. Nice to meet you.

  59. The day's almost over for me here and reading this was an excellent way for it to come to a close.

  60. What a fun, fun day! Thank you to all who took the time to read my post. I'd been fretting about not posting for almost a week. Have had company and travel. This was such a nice surprise! I shared it with Abbey, too.

  61. Incredible story, and wonderful poem. I liked reading it, but enjoyed it even more when it was read to us. Congrats on your newest family member and on Blitz Day :)

  62. Thank you for sharing about this story.

    Happy Blitz Day.

  63. I went over and read her story on her blog. Sorry I didn't get here for your blitz day!

    A very merry un-blitz-day to you, to you... :)

  64. What a beautiful post!! Love it. Happy belated blitz day!!


  65. A little late, but I'm glad I visited. This is such a touching post. Adding prayers and good wishes for John and his new family! Thank you for sharing!

  66. Belated happy blitz day! We adopted our youngest and kept her photographs off the internet until she had changed to the point her birth family wouldn't recognise her xx

  67. A belated Happy Blog Blitz Day! I think adoption and fostering are wonderful things to get into, offering a warm, loving home to someone who needs it. It would be something I'd love to consider in the future, as long as we could provide the right set up.

  68. Happy belated blog blitz day! Wishing you all the best for the adoption process.

  69. What a touching post! Adoption scan be such a wonderful thing.


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