Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Measured in Feet - Poetry Jam

Poetry Jam today...write a new poem with the topic of Feet or Shoes....
Here's my take:

Metric Foot

With accents and syllables to determine it’s tone
A metrical foot can stand on its own -
Dancing to dactyl or swinging spondee,
Kicking up iamb or toe tapping trochee;
Anapestic rhythm can’t be left alone
Unless your poor sole has, alas, turned to stone.

©Donna JT Smith


  1. I love, love, love it! An original take....with rhyme and rhythm on top of it! I love the wordplay, and the last line made me smile.

  2. Love this. You've created an awesome piece here, Donna. Fun and whimsical . . . Shel Silverstein meets Ogden Nash. Wonderful wordsmithing!

  3. This is fun! I like how you used poetry and dance together.

  4. I love the rhythm and play on poetic feet & cadence ~

  5. ha. it is so hard for me to measure feet in poetry....i am not good at it...i hear the rhythm and i can write rhythm, but dont ask me to mark it...ha....nice fresh take on feet...

  6. luv your wit Donna
    thanks for dropping in on me at Verses

    much love...

  7. I like this very much. Fun to read with they rhythm and rhyme and I liked the playfulness of it.

  8. A great take on the prompt and the creativity of every word.


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