Friday, October 4, 2013

It Isn't Summer

As I promised myself... now back to some poetry. 
After reading this, head on over to Poetry Friday being hosted by Doraine Bennett at Dori Reads for links to more great poetry and poetry related posts!
It's finally fall here.  We have had some nice crisp nights and days, scattered with some warmer days, with lots of sun.  We had had a rainy stretch a while ago, but now it is fine fall feast, an awesome autumn offering...a sweet season sensation!  I could try to go on, but it's getting forced now.  So I will end with this - something I wrote a while back and stuck away in Pages on my iPad.  I must gather these things together someday and see what I have.

Last of the Colors

Summer's ending
Last strains of green
Reds overtaking
With autumn's scene

Smells of last hay
And spiced goldenrod
Apples now ripened
Give fall a cool nod

It's time for the last of
The colorful things
The last before snow's
Frosty white zings

Where mittens and hats
Are the only displays
Of color and warmth
Till return of spring's days.


  1. Memorable images, Donna! I like the idea of the color and warmth in winter -- it's an unexpected, fun ending.

    1. Thanks! I remember when I was writing it that the ending was a surprise to me, too!

  2. Hmm...
    I like the mittens/hats being the colorful things of winter.

    1. It makes me want to make sure I buy a bright new hat for winter this year! No brown, navy blue or gray!

  3. Such vivid images, Donna. We're in the midst of Fall here...but it will pass too soon.

    1. I just love fall! Spring is pretty great, too. But fall has always been my favorite, I think. Just wish spring would happen right after it!

  4. I'm glad you found the poem, Donna! What good, and colorful, images you've written for reminders of fall. We have less red here, but some of the sumac adds its color to the constant gold.

    1. Yes, isn't that sumac great! Love the iridescent reds.

  5. I'm always sad to see the last of the color fading to winter. Not there yet, here in the deep South. My spider lilies just burst out of the ground this week. Bright reds flowers for fall!

    1. We are seeing the last of our fall wildflowers. Enjoy those gorgeous red spider lilies!

  6. I love that second stanza! So many sensual details!

    1. Thanks, Mary Lee. I think that's why I love fall so much..your senses can just go crazy!

  7. I love those "smells of the last hay." I grew up on the Canadian prairies, where the smell of autumn was the smell of the wheat harvest. So many images and colors here - along with smells.
    - Violet N.

  8. Wonderful sensory poem! Love snow's "frosty white zings."


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