Tuesday, October 23, 2012

What Not to Wear...Maine Mannequin

Orthopedic boots with fake buckles & fake fur.
Big stitch gray and ivory hat and scarf.

I warned them.
This is the second time I've gone into Cabela's in Maine and seen perfect examples of what not to wear.  This time I took pictures.
I'm wondering if the person who dresses the mannequins in Cabela's is from away and thinks this is the way we dress here, so our mannequins should reflect our actual style, or if he/she is making fun of the way we dress here.  Or perhaps they are trying to make us feel good about the way we dress and are encouraging us in our fashion attempts.  I'm not sure.  Because we do dress this way here.  It's just not the fashionable way to dress.  But we know it.  We just choose to ignore fashion, siding with function and comfort most of the time.  Given the need, we could dress up... for the most part, anyway.
We choose to dress this way, but please, not our mannequins.  We like our mannequins well dressed, fashionable and trendy...the way life could be - even if we dress...the way life should be.

Lightweight broom skirt, cable knit belted cardigan, white tee shirt. Slightly patriotic theme going?  The hat does look a little like a battle helmet...


  1. This is "laugh out loud" funny! The "dresser" of these "fake people" either has a sense of humor and is mocking REAL people OR he/she IS REAL and seeks comfort over fashion!

  2. Our Cabela's is all about marketing whatever they have to push, assume yours is too, Donna. But, I'm thinking the election is very soon & maybe you hit it on the head when you thought it was an election theme. Love that 'battle helmet'! Can she see?

  3. Too funny... and I quite agree. I'm going to see what ours looks like and I'll take pictures too.

  4. Cute - now that these mannequins know how upset you are, maybe they will come alive some night and re-dress themselves. I really like the "battle helmet"!

  5. Battle helmet---that's exactly what I thought when I saw the picture! We don't have a Cabela's where we shop (it's a 65 mile drive in any directions before we hit a city big enough for one!) so I don't know about the style there, but I'm hoping the dresser just has a sense of humor!

  6. The photographs were lovely. So fashionable. Was the dresser imitating fashion or creating a new trend. Your writing made me smile. thank you

  7. Or may be the person who was supposed to dress the mannequin took the fancy display clothes and left her clothes instead?

    1. HA! Now there's a thought! Probably just what happened!

  8. Laugh! How fun. I'm not a "fancy dresser" myself, and I probably wouldn't have thought twice about this display.

    1. I know what you mean! As I was talking to the saleslady in the women's dept. I thought "I should talk!" I could almost have been another mannequin there that day!


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