Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Tagxedo Fun!

I made a Tagxedo for our church's Sunday School program we are just finishing up...Puppets in Space...
The puppets are traveling to other planets, and I put words from their travels in the Tagxedo. Then I decided to try out Zazzle, where they print those Tagxedos onto items for sale.  I had a mug printed for our pastor...and it came out beautifully!
I drew the space ship to use as the Tagxedo image, but there are lots to choose from on Tagxedo, of course. 

You should try it with a Tagxedo you like especially well. 

It makes a wonderful keepsake/gift.  The mug ends up costing just under $20 when you get the colored inside.  If you choose no coloring inside, it costs less.

I placed my order late on the 22nd and it arrived yesterday, the 30th, by UPS, very well packaged.  It is excellent quality and just beautiful!

No, I do not own stock in Tagxedo or Zazzle.  I just love how it came out and think you should know!


  1. I've shown everyone about tagxedo (after wordle), but don't know about zazzle, Donna. The cup does look great. Thanks. Hope all is okay your way.

  2. Zazzle is on Tagxedo's site, where you click through to make a product with your Tagxedo. All is okay here! Weathered the storm nicely. Some power outages, a few downed trees and wild waves. At our home we just had the power "on-off-ons" to deal with and some branches to move. Guess we were far enough north of this one.

    1. You can also just go to and create things with photos and drawings, too!


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