Friday, January 5, 2018

Poetry Friday - Draft

Yesterday, and a few other days I talked about my new OLW: Flourish, so I am not going to do it again here! These are the links if you are searching for people's 2018 Word!

New One Little Word?
Found Poem from KJV
Spiritual First Thursday - Tah-Dah 
Kitchen window at night
There was a lot of strong wind last night, and blowing snow recirculated itself after it stopped emanating from the sky... it re-emanated, re-animated through the blustery winds.  It was a great night to be inside with power!

Whiteout - our front window view of the storm
As I lay in bed, the slightly ajar bedroom door (not closed because then the cat would be insulted and try to work his way in through the edge with his claws), a draft kept moving the door and making it creak.  I could feel the cold air on my face.  Nothing was open, but on nights like these, the wind is bound and determined to find a way in some little crack or knothole that isn't visible and doesn't allow air in at other times.


A draft arrived through
Squeaky door
Then swooshed around
My bedroom floor.

It rudely, crudely brushed
My cheek,
And I got up to find
The leak.

No open door or 
Windows, still
I felt the breath of
Winter's chill

Seeping through my walls
And ceiling
Sending bits of paper

When the winter
Air is thin
Wafting drafts can fit 
Right in;

But in my flannel
Warm as toast
I can ignore that
Win(d)some ghost!

by Donna JT Smith

More Poetry Friday goodness may be found by clicking on the links over at Catherine's Reading to the Core.
Happy New Year, All!


  1. what a fun beat to your rhyme. And, perfect topic for last night and today! My favorite line has to be "in my flannel warm as toast". I am going to STAY in my flannels today. Great OLW for 2018 as well. I can picture you flourishing!

    1. Oh, I got the bestest, warmest LLBean long flannel nightgown this Christmas! Sorry, fleece, but you just can't beat a gooooood, no-static flannel!

  2. Wonderful poem with a great rhythm to it. Stay warm, Donna.

    1. The temps have been so cold below zero, with well below wind chills, that today's 12 degrees seems balmy! Tonight it is back to sub-zero and warnings of deep freeze. Having lived in Minnesota though, it is still warmer here than there!

  3. Oh wow that whiteout! When I was first reading your poem I was thinking of draft as the first draft of a poem! Did you know our beach-going Aussie friend Sally also chose "flourish" as her OLW? xo

    1. Oh, I did not know that! I will have to check in with her! Thanks for the connection.
      The storm was very blustery. I do love a good blizzard!

  4. I am so not a winter person. I know snow moments are a creative person's playground, but I much prefer the summer. I could feel your draft as I reading this, and I love your play on words in the final line - perfect ending!

    1. Thanks, Leigh Anne.
      Now that I'm retired, I can enjoy winter more than when I had to drive in it!

  5. Hi Donna! I hope that you are staying warm! I really like the line "wafting drafts/ can fit right in". I hope your meddlesome wind-ghost doesn't keep you up too much.

    1. Once I determined I could ignore the creaking, a few games of "Words With Friends" and I was out!

  6. Your poems are always so playful. You must be a fun person.

    1. I don't know what to tell you, my husband says I am.

  7. Your poem is terrific, Donna, and made me laugh out loud. We are in the middle of a renovation project, so we have drafts everywhere. Fortunately, it's not quite as cold in CT as it is in Maine. It's a balmy three degrees, and yes, I'm "warm as toast" in my flannel! Stay safe and warm this weekend!

    1. The wind was just terrific that night - loud and snow-rearranging. Flannel is so nice.

  8. What a fun poem! Living in a 200+ year old home in Maine, I can totally relate! I admire your bravery in seeking out the source of the draft and then finding inspiration within the moment to craft this clever poem. I think I'd have just stayed huddled under the covers and listened to the furnace consuming oil--all night long!

    1. Oh, the sound of that oil being drained, like chocolate milk through a straw to a grandchild's pursed lips...

  9. Love seeing your view, Donna, and as said many times, you are so good at the rhyming. It's perfect, rather like that "win(d)some wind" you write about. Glad your flannel has kept you warm.

    1. Oh, that flannel is so comfy and cozy... almost makes me wish for more snow! Almost.

  10. I love your description of the snow re-emanating and re-animating in the wind! Your poem is (as always) pitch perfect!

  11. GLad you stayed warm and toasty through the winter storm. And what a fun poem to come from it, too!

  12. What a fun poem Donna, love that "Win(d)some ghost!" Hope it doesn't over-stay its visit though, keep warm, thanks!


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