Friday, April 10, 2020

Hello, My Name is Violet!

Have a happy Poetry Friday everyone. 
 Lift your eyes to the sky and look down by your feet.
You are sure to see something to catch your eye,
and help to remind you that we will be okay.
That is all.
Stay safe and smile at someone.

 Hello, My Name is Violet!

Hello, purple butterfly
Are you looking for a flower?
It’s quite early in the spring
We might just have a shower.

Hey! You are not a wing borne zipper,
But a violet sunlight sipper

You looked for all the world to me,
As you hovered over there,
To be a lovely butterfly
Just flitting in the air;

Spring’s gentle breezes fluttered you
And made your petals flounce
You may not be a butterfly
But you’re as pretty ounce for ounce.

By Donna JT Smith, 4/5/2020


  1. So charming and playful, Donna. Love your poem and the way you used speech bubbles in the photo. Stay safe, be well.

    1. Thanks, Jama! Trying to heal, and stay well up in my little "cubbyhole" of an apartment. The view is lovely up here! Please be safe and well, also!

  2. What a surprising flower! Great poem to go with it!

  3. I adore violets, and this voice is so sweet! Earlier this week, I was excited to see my first one. Then, a couple of days many. Purple and whites dot our yard, and when our son was little, he would pick them for our salads. Thank you for this lovely poem and memory too. All health to you and yours. xx

    1. I've always loved violets - especially the violet ones. But those white ones are cute, too. I have another picture poem I'm playing with now with a white one. Hope you all stay healthy, too!

  4. You know I loved this on FB, Donna, it is the cutest poem. Hurrah for violets!

    1. Oh, thanks for popping up over here, too! Thanks!

  5. This is lovely, Donna! I just love your butterfly violet and your sweet poem.

  6. Thank you for giving voice to this little blossom. I especially like "petals flounce" reminds us to 'look down' to remind ourselves 'we will be okay'. Be well. :)


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