Thursday, May 2, 2019

Spiritual Journey First Thursday - Spring

We are joining Carol Varsalona for a springtime Spiritual Journey first Thursday today for thoughts about the topic Spirit of Spring  paying homage to the earth and the Lord for creating it. 
Seriously, I have been so busy lately that today's post is being done in a rush.  And I don't feel like it should be rushed.  No one should rush spring!
Spring is the setting up of the maturity of summer.  If you don't plant in spring, what harvest will there be?
So though I like to sit back and enjoy the warmer days and the hidden gifts beneath the dead leaves, there are also things to do before it is over and summer sets in.  Summer is the time to enjoy the fullness.  Fall is the time to harvest for Winter.  But Spring is the awakening again, and the start of...eeesh...getting ready for Winter, really.  Don't rush Spring.  Pay attention to it.  Nurture it.  Feed it.  So Summer will gladly arrive and you can THEN watch it unfold into what you set it up to be.
I'm doing that.  In my own life, I am well past Spring.  I like to think I'm in Summer...but I know parts of me are feeling the Fall coming on.  When I was in Spring, I set myself up for my Fall years.  I know there's a Winter coming.  But as long as I can, I am going to nurture my little Springs, be there for my Summers even as I enter Fall.  And when Winter comes, the Springs will be all ready to mature into the Summers we hope they will be.
You know what was so much fun this morning, just before writing this?  I was sitting with my newly five year old granddaughter as she put her magical fairy garden together on the dining room table, and she was humming and whispery singing, "Endless summer I can see for miles, fun, fun, fun and the whole world smiles..." 

Spring.  Thank you, God.  I will nurture Spring while it is here.  I'm not Winter yet.


  1. Lovely post! Enjoy the grandchild... it is one of the sweetest things in life, isn't it? And this weekend we have a first dance recital. Should be fun. I hope you can savor some spring...

  2. You're an inspiration in the way you live your seasons!

  3. Nothing better than sharing time with a granddaughter... and there is something special about being five! You make me chuckle with "I am well past Spring." and then all your double talking that ends up with you having "little Springs." Hahaha! Blessings!

    1. A little Spring can definitely be entertaining for this Late Summer/Fall grandma!

  4. What a fun post - five year olds and fairy gardens and poems set to music - oh my! You've inspired me to pay attention, to nurture spring and to feed it. Time to get the fertilizer and flowering plants and tomato plants. So I can sit back and watch the magic of growth.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Donna, I really like how you thought out the seasons to live life to its fullest. Thanks for adding the song you created. It is fun to listen to it again.. I gave a nod to you in my Poetry Friday post that I just finished.

  6. Adorable that your granddaughter's singing our PP song! So so lovely... yay for Spring! xo


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