Friday, February 8, 2019

Poetry Friday

Simply in a hurry.  Very busy yesterday.  Want to see Ginger today...
But a poem for her.


A simply silly Labrador
With eyes all sparklehappy
Retrieves without a second thought
And plops upon my lap she
Isn't small enough for that
But how can I deny her
She loves without a second thought
I wish her nose were drier.

by Donna JT Smith, Feb 8, 2019

Ha!  There you go - a poem out of it at last. Gotta run.  I'll let you know what "treat" she found to almost kill herself on.

Well, it was a small pop gun ball.  She evidently ate TWO of them.  One she threw up along with a cotton rope knot and bread tie... then they found the other during surgery yesterday.  She is healing, along with our bank account.
Here it is...almost usable still...unlike my credit card.  This is a Hog Wild Popper ball. Great fun, until they aren't!

Find a Poem, read it up, all the day you'll happy up....(wait - that's a double up rhyme)
with Laura today at Writing the World for Kids February 8, 2019!!


  1. I am loving the Ginger poem! Hope this means she is feeling better. xo

    1. Oh, just read about Rosie! So much fun in store! Loved your poem, too. Seems a pledge that all pet owners should take to heart. Visited Ginger this morning and she looked soooo much better! She will be home tomorrow with meds and collar.

  2. I do love the labs I've known, Donna, & am so glad Ginger is going to be back with you, well & happy! What a sweet poem for her!

    1. Thanks, Linda. She's a sweet dog. Active and strong-willed, way too smart for her own good, but ultimately a real sweetheart. I miss sitting with her on the loveseat.

  3. What a sweet poem. Love Ginger! "She loves without a second thought" -- there's nothing like the unconditional love of dogs.

    1. Thanks, Jama. She is so lovable, and protective of us.

  4. Dogs do "love without a second thought", don't they. What would we do without love like that?

    1. Their love is immense. We could learn a thing or two.

  5. What an active Lab you know!!! So grateful for wonderful Vets & caring owners. You will especially groove to today's (Feb. 8) post Irene has up at Live Your Poem. You are totally demonstrating the loving of your (big) puppy. Great line about not fitting in your lap anymore. So glad the surgery is over & hope recovery is smoothly apace. Happy weekend dear Donna!

    1. Thank you for steering me to Irene's post right away. I would have gotten there eventually, but it was so fitting for me to read right away today.

  6. Oh, my gosh! The pictures and poem are both adorable!

    1. Thanks! She's an inspiration always, an irritation!

  7. I've been following Ginger on FB. I'm so glad she's healing! Your poem is perfect. Quick and to the point and so much golden retriever. I love it. My dog had surgery this week as well. My goodness. I worried over her as much as any human!

  8. Oh, goodness! So happy Ginger is healing. She's a sweetie!

  9. I guess the first one must have tasted pretty good for her to eat a second? Glad she is doing better. I hope she doesn't mind the Cone of Shame. Good luck to you both!

  10. Love the poem! Poor puppy. They are truly like having toddlers.

  11. So glad Ginger is doing better, and what a sweet poem for her. I think dogs have a second sense and she'll know you've been thinking about her in both your poem and thoughts.

  12. I’m glad Ginger is on the mend. Love your ode to her.

  13. Haha good one Donna, my little muncher chews on those little foam darts that the boys occasionally shoot around, hope she is feeling better and all is well with you, take care.


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