Friday, June 1, 2018

It is Friday...It is June...It is a Blessing

A bit of respite in May

Over the past month... and a bit more... we have had one crisis after another to fill our plates.  They have not sunk us.  They have not taken our joy.  But they have taken great amounts of time, energy,  and prayer.  And I have joked that I need a big platter instead of a plate to hold my portion.  But then I set my plate down, opting not to hold onto it.

I think May deserves a poem to celebrate its ending, its tenacity and its victories.

May Be June

We were clearly tempest tossed
well before May had begun

But as patterns crissed and crossed 
there were signs of more to come.

We smiled despite the cost
as we set our course to run.

Till races nearly lost,
instead turned races won.

Now June arrives all glossed
and we're ready for the sun.

Can May's near-holocaust
be traded for some fun?

by Donna JT Smith - June 1, 2018

Reason to Celebrate

May was great -
Great with trials
and tribulations.

Cannot wait -
Wait for hints
of revelations.

Why that day?
Day requires 
deep inhalations.

In the end,
End rewards
all faithful patience.

by Donna JT Smith, 2018

Not a masterpiece...
but a poem that sums up May for me.

No, two poems for May.  It deserved at least two.

I am not going into the details of all the piles of garbage - but suffice it to say our daughter walked away with only minor injuries after her car struck a tree head-on, totaling it.  And that was a total blessing, setting the perspective straight on all of the rest.

I have not written a posted since May 5th.  I have written a little since then... poems, but for other's been hard to focus on writing, though it certainly was a full month for thoughts, just no time to write them.
GetSparked 37 is underway, and I submitted two inspiration pieces - one poem and one art piece to my exchange partner.  Since May 23 I have worked on 2 pieces: one a watercolor and one a poem as responses to my partner's inspiration pieces I received.
I actually completed two poems for her image.  The first one I completed, then decided to keep it instead of publishing it online.  So I had to create another one.  My second one was a bit fanciful and literal, and I decided to go with that one.  Today is the day for completing the response pieces - which I have done - and we now have the week to submit our work to the website.  I'll let you know when mine gets up there later today - probably tonight.

And now I'm working on Tabatha Yeatt's summer poetry exchanges.  I have 5 poems to write in the next couple of months, so I am beginning the thinking and drafting of my first now.

Poetry Friday is being hosted by Buffy at Buffy's Blog.  Enjoy the twirling seeds of the beginning of summer!


  1. Sometimes you just have to celebrate that a month is over! Whew!

  2. Grateful that you made it through May (and that your daughter is okay). Stay the course. You've got this.

    1. There were lots of tense moments in May - but, yeah - staying the course!

  3. So sorry to hear about your daughter's accident--and glad she is okay. You've welcomed June well--hope it stays all glossed for you.

    1. It was certainly a relief! It came just as we were ending a crisis, which had begun just a day after another had concluded...May was a chain of "unfortunate events". So a glossy June would be amazing!

  4. Sorry to hear about the accident, but happy that your daughter is okay, and that May has gone, forever for this year! You are pretty special to write two poems about it and they're great, Donna.

    1. It's been mostly more than lumps in my oatmeal. Looking forward to the simple lumps and bumps again!

  5. Donna, I'm sorry you've had testing and trials. They certainly come at unexpected and for me times that I am unprepared. I love your positive determination to thrive despite it all. Thank goodness your daughter is OK. It is amazing how a tragedy like that can put it all into perspective. Two lines really stand out to me....
    --set our course to run
    --deep inhalations
    I love your response to life in and out of poetry. Keep going, lady!

    1. Yes, the perspectives and my desire to control all of life have been tested and reset!

  6. Donna, I'm so sorry to hear about your terrible May, and hope June brings much better for you! Sending hugs.

    1. I find myself forgetting to breathe still, but have at least become aware of the fact that I am not - and force some deep, cleansing breaths! I appreciate the hugs!

  7. I'm glad your daughter is okay Donna, how horrible. Glad too that May has moved on for you and hope that June continues on much more calmly, thanks for your poems

    1. There are still issues that will not calm for a bit, but I'll try not to "own them" or control what is not in my power to control! Thanks for popping by!! I'm going to concentrate on replying to Friday's poems now...seems like ages since I could really unwind at the computer.

  8. I hope that June brings much fun your way instead of catastrophe! I love the positive attitude that comes through in your poems.


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