Friday, August 7, 2015

Poetry Friday - Adoption

Hello, Poetry Fridayers!  Our hostess for the roundup this week is the lovely dudette, Tabatha Yeatts, at The Opposite of Indifference.  Go there for some links to good poetry fare.

Today I have a poem I wrote last October.  Here's why I wrote it:

Good friends of ours are adopting a boy in China.  He is 13 and has been waiting forever for a family.  He is getting one now! I wrote this poem for him when they knew he would be their son sometime - but he did not know yet that there was a family working hard at preparing to adopt him.

It seemed so strange that someone so far away could be suddenly nestled so deep in your heart, and that so much work was going on in the process of adopting with approvals, home visits, classes, paperwork and finances, without the person being aware of any of this -  all this flurry of activity, all the pictures on friends' refrigerators, all the prayers.  But he is left out of the process for months in case anything were to fall through and the adoption process halted.

We had even heard his voice on video before he had an inkling that a family was preparing to make him their son. It struck me, and I had to write.

Welcome Home

We know your name,
we've seen your face,
in a faraway place.
   You don't know,
         we know you.

The time is coming
to be a brother,
to have a mother.
   You don't know,
         we know your laugh,

And wistful wishes;
we've seen the gleam,
we know your dream.
   You don't know,
         we hold your picture,

As we speak your name
in our prayers, too,
asking blessings for you.
   You don't know,
         at your new home

Your family awaits
holding your space
in the family embrace
   You don't know
         you will know

by Donna JT Smith

He knows now.  He has seen pictures and read letters.  We saw video of him reading the translated letter from his new family.  I can hardly wait to meet this new member of their family!  What a happy change in so many lives!
PS  Now I can say it on my blog - he's coming home with his family TODAY!  How exciting is that?


  1. How wonderful this is, and for you to write a poem to him, too, Donna. We have friends who adopted a little girl, about five, a few years ago. She is precious to us all. I hope he'll be here with his family soon.

    1. Ah, I think I can say it now...TODAY! He will be here TODAY! They are coming back from China TODAY!

  2. That's so exciting, Donna! Wishing them all a gentle, warm, and healing transition.

    1. It will be quite a transition, but well worth the adjustments. I've seen pictures of them together, and they all look so happy. What language barrier?

  3. Congratulations to that wonderful family! Much happiness and togetherness in their future... along with some pain, no doubt. That's what families are for! Your poem is so sweet and joyful - a real gift!

    1. I'm sure there will be struggles, but as you said, that's what families are for! And they have enough love to make it all turn out right. I'm amazed at what has come to be finally!

  4. I never really considered the logistics. I suppose it makes sense not to disappoint the child if something falls through, but I confess, the concept of a child not knowing, for months before, is a bit mind boggling!

    1. I should have added, I wish the family all the very best!

    2. It truly is mind boggling. It has been just short of a year-long process, over half of which he was unaware.

  5. Oh, this just makes my heart swell with such happiness! All is not, maybe CANNOT, be right with the world all the time all at once, but to know that there are these small moments of perfection gives me so much hope for our species. Best best best wishes to the family, and a special long distance from-a-total-stranger hug to the new son.

    1. I will convey the wishes and hug to them later today!

  6. Wow, Donna. Your excitement and happiness for your friends feels so alive in this post. Best wishes to all of them. This young man will treasure your poem.

    1. Can hardly wait for him to pick up more English, so the communications will be easier! Or maybe I should try learning a few Chinese phrases...

  7. That is supremely exciting! Your gift to them all with this poem is a huge one, and I can just tell that you'll be offering more once he arrive home. I hope it goes all so smoothly!
    I'm glad your package arrived (finally!) and of course you may share. I can send you the file to make it easier.

    1. That would be great.
      And yes, more to come, I'm sure!

  8. Let me comment again without the typos! Donna, your poem brought tears to my eyes, thank you for sharing it, and the story behind it. Love will prevail!

    Also, Heidi mentioned a package, did you also receive one from New Hampshire? Just checking to see if it made the trip downeast. ;-)

    1. Yes! Got it on Friday. Thank you so much. I've left a comment on your site, requesting permission to share it this week for Poetry Friday.

    2. Yes, you have my permission! See you Friday!


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