I think this month, I will be helping myself out and if it helps anyone else - wonderful. I will be happy that God used me. But it is going to be fairly selfishness on my part. I am listening to some meditative prayers and devotions and have decided to use them as a starting point for some poetry. Some will rhyme, others will not; some may be Haiku (short and sweet), some may be long. If this is not your cup of tea this month, please hang in there! I will be writing more in June. I have lots of things to work through in my present season, and I need to remember that my troubles will not last. I need to see my troubles in a different way. My lens of hope has clouded and I need to get myself right and see with the right perspective. Thank you for indulging me. Thank you for reading, if you have stuck around. If you are tiptoeing out, please peek around the corner to check on me again later!
(random image generator)
There is a time to....
in the Bible
never did it say
there is a time to
If you are
still here
If you are
seeing a day
then you are here
for a reason
in this season.
Praise through the pain
the hardships
the dark
it is not about
the circumstances
It's not about you.
Rejoice regardless
you are better
than you know
his plan is better
than anything you know
Rejoice that he is
with you in your days
of trouble,
of despair,
in valleys.
These days
are not forever
All things work
together for good
There is a time to
you are not alone
and to trust
God to do what he
knows is best.
He may lead you into a storm
but he will bring you out
By Donna JT Smith, 2022