Friday, March 25, 2022

Long Time Between Posts!

It is Poetry Friday and our host is Amy Ludwig VanDerwater at The Poetry Farm.  Find lots of links to more poetry there today!

It has been so long....incredibly long between posts here.  I've found it easier to pop onto FB lately, but I don't want to give up my writing blog for FB minis.  I've been so busy with homeschooling, my daughter's upcoming wedding, getting the house ready to put on the market, and a move back to Maine in June.  

But I must squeeze in time today to promote two new anthologies.  I happen to have a poem in each, and I am so excited and thrilled and happy and....but that is beside the point!

Sylvia Vardell and Janet Wong have a new anthology that has just been released that is an A to Z book of poems called Things We Eat.  You will recognize most of the names in it!  Of course, besides the most delicious poems, there are also helpful ideas for use in the classroom.

Amazon link to Things We Eat 

Then Tabatha Yeatts has compiled a second anthology of Imperfect poems, Imperfect II (not that the poems are imperfect) with poems about perspectives.  How we look at our mistakes makes a big difference in how we move along in life!  I hope you won't make the mistake of not checking it out!

I hope you have a wonderfully poetic day.  I'm in the middle of homeschooling as I write this, so it is an "off and on again" process.  I won't be a eloquent as I'd like to be. 


I'm Going to Miss School

I'm going to miss soils 

with humus and sand;

Going to miss history 

in distant, past lands;

Anto- and syno-nyms;

the metaphoring chores...

the sound of the dog's

silly sighs and her snores;

the grinding of pencils

being sharpened precisely;

the cozy of reading

in pillows puffed nicely.

Once back to "real" school

I'll miss them so dearly,

Though they'll think it cool

and resume it as merely 

a hiccup in time that

had no friends at recess;

While I will go on

with hiccups relentless.

by Donna JT Smith  ©2022

Have a splendid day! 

Spiritual Journey Thursday: Wholeness

  Spiritual Journey Thursday is hosted today by Denise Krebs and you can find more posts by going to her site and reading the comments wit...