Time goes by, and I realize I have not put much online lately. It isn't that I haven't been writing, but because I have. And I have been busy with life.
I don't know if anyone has invented this poetry form or not. I will have to research it. I would call it a Shuffle. I have written the poem to have alternating lines. The first Stanza is non-rhyming, the second has the same rhyme throughout, then the lines are alternated to make the third stanza. Better understood after reading it!
Time and Space
So much time, .
Wait... short the time,
Something's wrong -
Each battered soul
Desires as I
A contented walk
No stress or grimace
Though time runs short
In joyful Autumn
I dare to linger
so little space
but long the race
confounded pace
in need of grace
to find a place
without dark trace
clouding face
so much is chase
such a fickle embrace
ere sweet flakes of lace.
So much time,
so little space.
Wait... short the time,
but long the race;
Something's wrong -
confounded pace!
Each battered soul
in need of grace
Desires as I
to find a place;
A contented walk
without dark trace
No stress or grimace
clouding face,
Though time runs short,
so much is chase
In joyful Autumn
such a fickle embrace
I dare to linger
ere sweet flakes of lace.
by Donna JT Smith, ©11/22/2019
Friday, November 22, 2019
Friday, November 1, 2019
Michelle H. Barnes of Today's Little Ditty interviewed sloth fan, Rebecca Herzog, who gave the poetic challenge of writing about what a monster might be afraid of. I started with one thing in mind, and it grew and twisted by the end. Hope you had a scareful Halloween!
Upstairs in my darkened room
I love to scatter dust with broom,
Then eat a snack of lovely bugs
Like beetles, worms and slimy slugs.
I pet my rat, I catch my bat;
Content with where each web is at.
And I am hummy-glum in gloom…
I hear the dreadful chilling sound
Of children -
Up the stairs they bound
With awful, joyful sounds of giggling -
Their bodies, hands and lips all wiggling -
A disgusting and revolting sight
Made worse when they turn on the light!
I shiver-hide behind a box
Avoiding sounds of happy talks
Trying not to be so scared
Of children with their shiny hair.
Why don’t they have a webby do?
Why do they scream a silly “boo!”
When will they all just go away?
Spider wants to come and play.
But I can’t play until they go
I know what to do
And so…
I get my disappearing stuff
And mix it till it’s good enough,
Then slide it out for them to see.
They’ll think it is a bit of tea!
They’ll see the potion,
drink it up,
Till nothing’s left up here
but cup!
Another scareful, monstrous day
Pretending children come to play...
I have to find my momma now;
I may have scared myself somehow.
Momma warns, “You’ll have daymares
If you’re too scareful with play-scares!
By Donna JT Smith, 10/12/2019
It's Poetry Friday; please visit more poet and poems hosted at Tabatha Yeatts - The Opposite of Indifference.
I've been incredibly distracted and busy. I am writing when I get a chance and/or an inspiration. I have however found a writing workshop to participate in weekly, and am enjoying both the writing time and the time to mentally attend to things other than the day to day! I wrote the post I am putting up for Noah (INoahCat.blogspot.com) at the last meeting...it went over well, so the "book" he is writing may be not bad...
I'm ready to continue finessing a "book" I've written, and a couple of picture books. Maybe I will simply self-publish them to have them out there as finished copies for the grandkids at least! Procrastinating is not a good thing, but I don't feel as much like it is procrastinating as it is running out of steam. Time to fill the kettle again, and that's what I'm hoping the writing group will help with!
Thanks for reading and commenting.
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