Saturday, May 5, 2018

Rat's Nest Infestation

Rat's Nest Infestation

nothing today
much more than 
to say
not sad
nor depressed
just empty
with each daily issue
no need of a tissue
  i'm okay
some sun
with a twist
of a key could assist
might unwind 
in my mind
this rat's nesting
replace infestation
with pure relaxation
that would be cool
with no one to fool
 and nothing
to say
 i'm really

by Donna JT Smith, ©2018

Sorry to have missed Poetry Friday yesterday, though I did write this.  Good title, huh?

It was a mind busy day.  There have been lots of them lately.  I'm still joyful, and okay.  Just pensively pent up.  So many things I cannot fix for others.  It tears my heart.  I need to let go.  Breathe.

Now, today, I'm out for a bit on my own in SB wanting, waiting, writing for a story to happen.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

First Spiritual Thursday - Celebrate

What manner of celebration is this?
Today's post is hosted by Violet Nesdoly who is encouraging us to share how we observe or celebrate a special day: Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, a birthday, anniversary...

I'm having trouble with this today.  Is it because often, the actual date for the even and our celebration do not occur on the same day?  I began to think about my conversation with my daughter about how it is not important that you see the person on that special day, as much as you celebrate with them when you ARE with them.

With families spread over miles and years, it has been difficult to keep things rounded up neatly to do what is expected in the expected time frame.  But as Christmas is not really December 25, and Easter doesn't have a set date... why do we care?  The important thing is that we DO care, just not that it has to be some particular day.

I celebrate every day the fact that I gave birth to two wonderful children.  I celebrate the fact that my husband was born, and that I was, too!  The dates are not the important thing to me, so we sometimes wait until it is convenient to make the more "public" celebration when it fits.

There are so many ways that I find joy and celebrate, that I actually find regular days to be more celebratory than an actual special day.  I'm feeling at a loss with this topic today.  Maybe it is the personal intricacies and complications lately, that make me feel empty headed right this moment.  Let me try a poem instead and see what comes of it.


I treasure ordinary moments
much more than special days
I want to make the most of all
avoiding hype and craze;
 I breathe in deeply when I see
the ocean or a tree
I look around and see the birds
and marvel how they're free
no cares, no need
to send a card
no deeds
beyond the yard
There's nothing in 
the nest to wrap
Nothing to state
 they're late for hap
A calendar does not exist
with anniversary, birthday list...
I smile to watch
the sun go down
and stretch on rise again
I stare at stars and peek at moon
while picking up my pen
to write a note, a word
or two and buy some Christmas gifts -
but "Look!" there snow that's piling up
where drafts blow making drifts
Then I want to stay inside
and watch it for a while
Or maybe go outside a bit
and build a snowman's smile 
Can anything be better than the
family gathered round?
Who needs to have a reason
for love and joy's surround?
Give me the dew, the frost, the rain
Give me a grandchild's laughter
And I will be happy celebrating
Well into the hereafter. 

by Donna JT Smith, 5/3/2018

Okay that's what came out. Maybe I'll read it!  Then perhaps I'll edit it someday, or maybe add to it.  But I THINK that addresses how I'm feeling right now, if it doesn't address the actual topic.  I apologize.  God's goodness is so finely wrapped around my life and my surroundings that I have trouble sometimes isolating the spots.  And we just don't put much emphasis on celebrations.  We are not organizers of fun.  Fun just is.  Goodness, that just made me smile!  Fun just is.  Celebrations are all around all the time.  Well, if this didn't speak to the topic or to you, it is A-Ohhh-Kay! because it was another little celebration for me all on its own! LOL!
You have a great day!  I'm gonna have me another great day!

Yesterday we celebrated 80+ degrees in Maine by taking the motorcycle for it's first to the beach!  Hopefully, tomorrow my husband will be on his bike, too.


May 1 Day 1

Yesterday we drove down the road to the beach.  It was a spectacular afternoon, and just the right air to clear the head of all that was cluttering and muddling thoughts.

Shadows of Roses to Come

As breezes blow
They take the snows
Crisp shadows grow -
Slow by rows
The full of green
begins to show
Till soon
the sweet
 of roses.

by Donna JT Smith, 5/2/2018

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

It is May


I've always liked the sound of that.  Short.  Rhymes with lots of words...even ballet and buffet; José and olé; relay and ándale...just to name a few of the less used ones.

It's a long month - one that finally, in Maine anyway, gives us the spring we were hoping to see - the one that everyone else has been exclaiming over for two months now it seems.

Ah, May.  I have created a tissue art on canvas for today.  May Day.  I remember when we used to make a May basket and filled it with Mayflowers that we picked, then hung it on a doorknob, knocked and ran away.  If the recipient caught you they could hug you and give you a kiss.  I guess, depending on whose doorknob you hung it, you would either run quickly or slowly.  We were pretty speedy when we hung it on the doorknob at Mrs. Russell's house.  But we'd hide to see her smile!

There will be flowers
I have no doubt,
But when they'll bloom
God figures out.

by Donna JT Smith, 5/1/2018

Spiritual Journey Thursday: Wholeness

  Spiritual Journey Thursday is hosted today by Denise Krebs and you can find more posts by going to her site and reading the comments wit...