Friday, November 23, 2018

More Sharing

It's the day after Thanksgiving already?  It's hard to believe.  Time has gone by rather quickly sometimes and at others very, very slowly.  It's all a matter of where my focus lies at the moment, I guess.  I am grateful for many moments that keep me focused on the important things in life.  Like this.

I'm spending time with my grandchildren this month.  My 4 year old granddaughter is with me while her brother is at school, so we have some time of drawing, writing, music and dance.  One day this week we came up with this picture.  She draws most all of the time on her own, but this one day she wanted to combine our drawings into one scene.  So, we each drew rabbits and she drew mice...then she wanted me to draw a fence...

Behind the fence she added a little girl with yellow hair peeking over it.  Soon the little girl's mother showed up.  The mother is much taller, of course.  Granddaughter's green birds are flying past, a ball has been tossed in the air (it was going to be a bird, but it was too close to Mom's hair she said), and carrots (mine on the right, hers on the left) are enticing the bunnies.

I don't usually like to draw with a child, but sometimes, as long as you are not "showing them up" or instructing them in the proper form in the drawing, I think it is okay.  I try to bow out as much as possible and let them take ownership of the work even finishing off what I've started.

I think we worked this cooperative picture quite successfully: she changed my bluebird (that is almost invisible now on the right) to green when it blended with sky, and she made a new "greenbird" friend for it right next to her sun; she increased the population of mice by adding to my one mouse, and she added green baby bunnies to join the other family.  Our skies are blended and reworked blues.  Best of all, we had fun and conversation while working on it.  I'm happiest though, watching her quietly consider the blank paper and colored pencils, and how she announces what she is about to create.

Just wait until the next picture.  Her people have suddenly grown full legs and no support stick below.  How fascinating to see the stages of growth in her observations and art.

How many blessings can one day hold? 

The Dictated Story as told to me:
(just the beginning...perhaps there will be more later)

                                                There was a little girl with her mom.  
                                                And the little girl said, "Come here, come here!
                                                I want you to see the bunnies and mice!"


Coloring Days

Each sparkle day with
pencils and pen,
one after the other,
sprinkled again
with drawing
and singing,
all impromptu,
bitty ballerina dances
in sequined tutu.
Days pinwheel and swirl,
each blended yet whole
as hues are displayed
then ingrained in my soul. 

by Donna JT Smith, 11/20/18

And with that I urge you to go read more poetry today, be grateful, and eat some leftovers...
join more poetry friends for Poetry Friday at Live Your Poem where Irene Latham is hosting today.


  1. How lucky for you to get to spend this time with your granddaughter, watching her grow and change right before your eyes!

    1. It is good to have grandchildren...I think I noticed all this once before in my own children, but it seems an even richer experience the second time around.

  2. Donna, this is such a special moment -- thank you for sharing it with us! I love how she feels safe enough to change your efforts to better match her own imagination (and that you encourage that). Also, the point you make about young children announcing their intentions. That's brave, you know? We adults should take that risk more often. Thank you! xo

    1. She has a strong drive, and is a happy observer and do-er of things! So much fun to just sit back and watch her magic.

  3. What a wonderful grandmother you are!

  4. This is so precious! I felt like I was watching the two of you create a masterpiece. That is what it is, a masterpiece of love and story shared.

    1. I'm sure they're will be many masterpieces ahead!

  5. This is wonderful to read, Donna, about your special 'sparkle' days. This much time together will make a memory for years to come. I have so many good memories of spending time with my grandparents, & now get to make them with my grandchildren, blessings all. Thank you!

  6. I love the way you capture these sequined and sparkly moments, they sound so very lovely! My granddaughter is 2000 miles away and I long for moments like these! The time I spent with my grandmother as a child (and she lived 1000 miles away) are among my favorite childhood memories.

    1. Carol, I tried replying to this, oh, about 6 times, and it wouldn't publish! I'm trying again, but I don't remember what I said now!
      I do know that being a grandmother is more to do with hearts than miles!

  7. Conversation and shared activities are the best! With my boys grown and away, and my year quietening down, I shared a similar pleasure with my sister's two daughters, just last night/today. We were creating (and poeticising) together, too. :)

    1. That makes me smile! Connecting with young people is so important - such richness!! Tickles me just to picture that shared time.

  8. Days sprinkled with drawing and singing. What could be a greater blessing!? Thanks for sharing this beautiful, heartwarming, creative moment between you and your granddaughter. Lovely post!

    1. I will have to get my grandson's creations in here sometime, but he's in school all day, so it isn't as easy to naturally "capture the moments".

  9. Inspiring post, love the "impromptu" in your poem and rich drawing your granddaughter mostly created!


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