Friday, January 2, 2015

An Easy Peasy Post

I began writing a poem for today, then remembered I had been planning on posting one from Matt Forrest Esenwine that he sent me.  I realized I hadn't told him it would be this week, so have now postponed it until next Friday.  Then Michelle H. Barnes emailed me to say she was going to post my poem I wrote for her for the Winter Poetry Swap organized by Tabatha Yeatts.
So now, my post is going to merely refer you to Michelle's site: Today's Little Ditty.  There.  Post done for Poetry Friday.  Easy-peasy.  (Now there's a poem that rhymes...)
Go see Michelle now.  She's there with her new word for the new year.
Then go visit many other wonderful poetry links at The Miss Rumphius Effect where Poetry Friday is being hosted by Tricia Stohr-Hunt.

Ok.  Nevermind.  I just finished the poem anyway...inspired by Gingersnap...
If I Were a Dog...and I think that I am...

If I were a dog
though I'm glad that I'm not
I’d do what I’m told
And learn what I’m taught
When you said to sit
I’d stay in that spot
If you threw a ball
that ball would get caught
I’d play with my toys
just ones that you brought
I wouldn’t chew chairs
or other such spots
I’d need to go out
yet not whine a lot
Then late in the night
I’d curl like a dot
And lay by the fire
till I got too hot
Though I'm not a dog
and glad that I'm not
I think that in time
I'll give it a shot.

Would that be a puppy shot?  Oooh, that's today.  My 9 week puppy shots are today.


  1. Charming poem, Donna! Gingersnap is adorable.

    1. Thanks, Tabatha. And actually, Ginger is learning very quickly! I got to sleep from 10:35 to 5:55...not that I look at the clock much lately... three nights in a row of pretty decent sleep!

  2. What a delightful poem, Donna! And what a delightful puppy! I hope Ginger is as well-behaved as you would be. ...but it not, well, that's okay too. ;) I'm also happy to have solved your post dilemma, that turned out to be not such a dilemma after all. Happy all's-well-that-ends-well Friday to you!

    1. Thanks for sharing my poem and bookmark today. Loved reading about your OLW - heartbeat. Looking forward to keeping tabs on your musings as you become attuned to the rhythm of your heart!

  3. This is officially my favorite poem by you ever. Ever.
    And that dog is adorable. I have envy.

    I wrote a sonnet, once, about being a fish.

    1. A sonnet about being a fish would be a wonderful! A fish isn't as cute as a dog...and you can't take it for a walk as easily. Have you posted the sonnet?
      Glad you liked this one! And the pup is definitely a keeper. Such a sweetheart. However I am very happy that we have an old female Golden Retriever to wear her out playing. I don't have to be entertaining her quite as much.

    2. I'm sure I have it somewhere, but I've never posted it.
      I'm really a prose writer and only do poetry for the exercise of it.

  4. Either your puppy is fabulously wonderful or you are a good photographer, plus poet, Donna. How cute Gingersnap is! Your grandson is going to adore him! Wonderfully sweet poem!

    1. Oh, I can hardly wait for him to meet her! I think there will be lots of kisses and giggling! All at their house have been taking turns being ill, so they were not able to come for Christmas. They may be here next week if they can get the time.

  5. Some magazine should snap up this Gingersnap poem - so much fun, Donna!
    Hope your 2015 is peachy keen.

  6. Loved your treasures over at Michelle's today, Donna, and Gingersnap is beyond adorable! So glad she's starting off the new year with a fun fun fun poem!

  7. Gingersnap - adorable name, and perfect for your doggie.

  8. What a fun poem with great rhythm. It is perfect to read along because it has a great flow to it. I think you gave your dog the perfect name. I can't wait to hear what you will offer for Winter Whisperings. Happy New Year, Donna.

  9. Gingersnap is a darling! Oh, how I remember those long months (years?) when a puppy was deciding whether or not to be a dog. You captured it perfectly in your poem!

  10. I love the image of curling like a dot. A fun poem.

  11. If everyone could have a dog like you, the world would be a happier place! Perfect name, adorable dog, and great poem -- wish I could just throw them together with such fabulous success!!

  12. Oh I think I'm in love with your pup--what a cutie. And such a fun poem--we've never had a dog who thought he was a dog.

  13. Gingersnap is such a cutie! And you poem captures puppy-hood perfectly. Thanks for sharing, Donna.

  14. Oh, what a cute dog you have! Is she a golden retriever? They are my FAVORITE dogs, but I'm a little biased as I grew up with one!

  15. Such fun! Love the photo of your dog too. :)


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