Saturday, September 15, 2012

Warp and Weft

Yesterday was the 9 year mark for my mother's departure for Heaven.  She had surmised in her head that she would be leaving about the same time my father passed away two years prior.  She had her hair ready a few days before she died.  Her affairs were all in order.  She was ready to meet her Maker and see my dad.  Her passing was two years, a week and a day after my father's.  She was ready...not sure we were.  But this is for her.  It was supposed to be yesterday's blog.  I wasn't ready.

Two years after
his death
you left
With worldly reason
We mourned the theft
Throwing off
Chain's heft
Now deft
Two soul mates
Once cleft
Again warp and weft
Two years after
He passed
At last
Heaven's Heavenly
Flawlessly fleshed

I like to think of it that way, not sure God does it that way though. 
I guess I'll know later.


  1. I still miss my mom, too, Donna. I like your approach to both her feelings and yours. It's a relationship that our children don't understand until they have one themselves. Thank you for sharing. I hope you & your husband had a nice trip!

    1. I think that it was important for us to have a full week of anniversary this year. We needed to cleanse the calendar, so to speak. Our anniversary date is in between and tied to my parents' passing, along with 9-11 which was my father's funeral date. Seemed to put a damper on our anniversary celebrations for a few years. Not that I've forgotten, but the events are rearranging themselves into a better order. I'm going to fill in with the anniversary events in a couple of we're off to the Fair!

  2. that was beautiful. the closeness of their passing anniversaries is bittersweet. you captured the loss and turned it into hope. lovely.

  3. it does seem to happen this way sometimes---very beautiful words<3

  4. I feel your deep love and connection to the momories of your mother. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful heart-felt poem.


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