Monday, April 15, 2019

M is for ME AUTO #AtoZ Challenge

It is day 15 of National Poetry Month. I am writing poems every day in April.
It is also the month of the AtoZ Challenge, and my 8th year participating.
Combining the two, I am writing poems based on Maine vanity plates I've spied this past year.
The AtoZ does not have a letter for Sundays, but I will post a non-vanity plate or extra vanity plate poem on that day. Yesterday I did REJOICE.

Welcome back AtoZers for the letter M - the 13th letter.
It's for...ME AUTO:

Maine Autos

A parade of autos on 95
Are cruising at high speeds;
Other cars travel dirt roads -
from lanes and lines are freed.
Some jalopies rust encrusted,
abandoned in the weeds,
happily take lawn space
minimizing mowing needs.
When vehicles need license plates
some sport the standard feeds,
but others state their messages
in fancy letter reads -
to show their loves and creeds;
or in vanity they think we must
know something of their deeds.
I wish that crusty, rusty lawn car
amid the tangled weeds
would have a plate to commemorate
such a faithful, trusty steed,
so everyone would know at least
he's "R3TIR3D" not "GN 2 S33D"

by Donna JT Smith ©2019


My extra plates:


  1. I love it! I could visualize all you wrote about.
    This year I'm doing flash fiction all month, with help from reader comments. Happy AtoZ!
    Doesn't Speak Klingon

    1. Thanks for stopping by! I'll check out your posts today.

  2. A terrific comment on the world of cars and license plates. I like seeing what people do to re-cycle the old plates into art. That's fun, too, but I love your idea of special ones for those old "R3TIR3D" cars.

    1. We not only have cars, but boats abandoned in odd places. But at least they still have their names painted on them.


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