Saturday, April 13, 2019

L is for LV2RID3 #AtoZ Challenge

It is day 13 of National Poetry Month. I am writing poems every day in April.
It is also the month of the AtoZ Challenge, and my 8th year in participating.
Combining the two, I am writing poems based on Maine vanity plates I've spied this past year.
The AtoZ does not have a letter for Sundays, but I will post a non-vanity plate or extra vanity plate poem on that day.

L is for LV2RID3

Live to ride or Love to ride?

I Love to Ride

It started with a hassock,
a cowgirl hat,
a vest;
I giddy-upped and rode all day
till sun set
in the west!
And then came my bike, Daisy,
I stabled
in the shed;
I rode her on the driveway
until I
went to bed.
When I grew up I got a horse -
a real one, then
some more;
I loved to ride across the fields,
down lanes and
on the shore.
Nowadays I live to ride
and go where
I would like,
With motorcycle as my steed -
I love to
ride my bike!

by Donna JT Smith ©2019


  1. nice one Donna - oh L already - I am lagging

  2. You know this one hits me close to home. I grew up loving horses, finally owned some in my early 20's but at age 55 I moved on the motorcycles. Life is good!!

    DB McNicol, author
    Microfiction: Lemonade Stand

    1. That's when I finally got my first horse and started riding. I should have moved on to motorcycles at 55! I waited longer. Who knew I'd like it?

  3. This looks like a fun writing challenge. I love how you incorporated interpretations of the license plate words.

  4. Donna, this is so clever. I love watching your transition through different modes of "transportation." The motorcycles at the end totally surprised me! I can't imagine moving from the peacefulness of horses to the noisiness of motorcycles.

    1. The riding is similar to me - especially the "soft eyes" of riding awareness. I didn't think I would like it either. Waited until I was 67 to try it.


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