Monday, April 2, 2018

B is for BEE KIND and Ballad
It's Monday, April 2, 2018, and Day 2 of the A to Z Challenge 2018.  We are on the letter B!

To visit other B blogs in this challenge today, go HERE or click on the AtoZ image at the top of the page.

My theme is Maine Vanity Plates and a poem.  I'm hoping to do a type of poem that also corresponds to the letter of the day.  Today's poetry form for B is Ballad.

"Ballad  A short narrative poem with stanzas of two or four lines and usually a refrain. The story of a ballad can originate from a wide range of subject matter but most frequently deals with folk-lore or popular legends. They are written in straight-forward verse, seldom with detail, but always with graphic simplicity and force. Most ballads are suitable for singing and, while sometimes varied in practice, are generally written in ballad meter, i.e., alternating lines of iambic tetrameter and iambic trimeter, with the last words of the second and fourth lines rhyming."

I decided to go with Bee Kind, with Be Gr8 slid in there, too.  Have fun retaining and omitting commas.   Am I talking to the bee, or saying be?  Are the words directives, or descriptives?  You decide.  Read it both ways.  Which do you like?
Just, Bee

Bee all that you can bee, Bee,
Oh, Bee kind, and so fuzzy!
Bee gr8 as you can bee, Bee,
Oh, bee happy, and so buzzy!

Just, bee
Fair, bee,
Nice to
Me, see.

Wherever you may light, bee!
Beesweetened just beecuz, see
Flowers here and there bee
Nectar filled to guzz, bee.

Just, bee
Fair, bee,
Nice to
Me, see.

by Donna JT Smith, ©2018

B has some Beauts!  Here are some extras that I found:

Visit other B blogs in this challenge today HERE or click on the AtoZ image at the top of the page.

 Here is the MASTER LIST of ALL participants who signed up for the #AtoZchallenge 2018!


  1. BRUHAHAHA is my favourite! :-)

  2. BRUHAHA made me smile. All I have in my head now is a villainous laughter (head tilted back for extra effect)...ha!ha!like Ravana from Ramayana (Indian mythology).
    I like the motto: Be all that you can be. Cheers.
    B is for Brihadisvara

    1. There probably are a few Bwahaha-s in a Bruhaha! Now I'm laughing!

  3. Some of those license plates made me crack up! The others made me scratch my head a little!
    Once Upon a Time

    1. I loved the BMBL BTL - it was on a bright yellow VW beetle!

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks! Got to get out now and look at some posts, too! Thanks for stopping by again!

  5. The license plates are so clever and a great tie in with your ballad.

  6. love reading the different license plates!

    1. Maine must have the most vanity plates in the USA. When we travel I don't see nearly as many as we do here.

  7. I wonder how often people are rear-ended while others try to figure out their plates!!

    What a fun B!

    A Bit to Read

    1. Well, I've gotten pretty close to find out before. I usually try to limit myself to reading them as a passenger or in parking lots. In parking lots I always check to see if the owner is in the car before taking a picture, just in case they are about to back up. And sometimes I get to give them my writing business card and tell them about the A to Z Challenge.

  8. I enjoyed your post today. I’ll BEE back for more. Visiting from
    If I Only Had A Time Machine

    1. Thanks for visiting! There's more in store!
      Loved the sound of the book you reviewed today.

  9. This is so creative. I am falling in love with your blog.

  10. Loved the license plates... hubby would prob choose the BOSSSY for me! I hope to visit Maine this summer, maybe I'll see one of these. I chose to write on my childhood book - Nancy Drew. I'll be looking for those in Maine also. If you stop by, I'm at....

  11. Love your B post! Clever play on words and license plates. :)

    Enjoy your BEE You tee. :)

    Sarah Butland
    author of Brain Tales, Blood Day and Being Grateful, Being Thankful

  12. I really like Blu IIs. It took me a minute....mine weren't seeing it right, at first!

    Your ballad was sweet as honey, with no sting at all. Just the way I like my bees!

    I will bee back!

  13. I loved Blu IIs the best...but even that doesn't beat your lovely ballad. All the sweetness, and none of the sting.

    I'll BEE back!


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