Wednesday, April 12, 2017

JEWELZ #AtoZChallenge

Notes about this challenge:
The A to Z Challenge is to write to the letters of the alphabet in order, one a day each day in April, except on Sundays.
To find more A to Z Challenge blog posts, click on any A to Z Challenge link I've made in this post. Read through the comment links on that page and see what interests you.  Read.  Comment. Spread the love of our alphabet around!
If you are commenting here, please include your post's link so that I can return the visit easily.  I'd like to visit your site, if you don't mind!
If you want to see where I've visited, click on A to Z Challenge in the tab at the top and it will take you to a padlet of links.  If you want to see yours there, visit me.  If you are doing the A to Z Challenge, I'll visit you and link you.  

It is the tenth day of the A to Z Challenge, and the letter featured today is J.  Here's my plate of J and a side of poem:

Summer Jewels

Shimmering pearls of the garden
Glimmering gemstones of field
Dripping with heavenly dewdrops
Glittering jewels revealed
Daisies and violets, azaleas,
Asters and daffodils,
Multi-faceted bouquets
With pansies and jolly jonquils.
Precious, oh, precious the crystals
Emerald leaves bearing gold
Beautiful citrines of summer
Treasures for us to behold.

Donna JT Smith, 4/20/2017


  1. Your poem has me longing for May flowers. And sunshine instead of rain.

    Happy A to Zing!

  2. My favorite line is: Glimmering gemstones of field, dripping with heavenly dewdrops. It is so picturesque!


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