Wednesday, April 13, 2016

A to Z on a Plate - K

K is on our plate for today!  Kidos, though mispeled (that's the funny part), is still understandable.

Kudos to Kiddos

We all know that they're called kiddos
Though that's a made-up word
We know that it means children
Who are seen but never heard
Of course the kiddos nowadays
Are always heard and seen
It's hard to turn back time to when
The young were squeaky clean
Change scene 
To a time when we all played outside
Rode our bikes and ran around
A day when we played baseball
With all the kids we found
The sound
We laughed and rolled and spun and climbed
We fished and leaped the stream
And made such noise to raise a roof
To let off excess steam
and dream
Then we returned to do our chores
To sit and eat our meal
With parents at the table and
No phones to dull the real
Family deal. 
Please, resist the phones, pick up the ball
Skate rings around the pond
Put childhood's matters over tech
Keep close and grow that bond
So fond.
They need you now as well as later
You'll miss these kiddo years
If you don't open up your eyes
And squeaky clean those ears
No tears
If you stay present in the time
That's fleeting at its best
And give attention where it's due
Inside your family nest
The best!

©Donna JT Smith, 2016, all rights reserved
More K's on the plates.  Can you write your own poem for one of these?  Put it in the comments or point me to it if you put it on your site. I'll post them all on Sunday.


See you tomorrow for a plate of L!

#atozchallenge #NaPoWriMo #imagepoems

Please leave a comment and put your url or link in your comment, so I can jog on over to your site!


  1. Another lovely poem, Donna. My favorite is this rhyme: "children/ Who are seen but never heard/ Absurd." Here's mine:

    kookie sweet
    Wednesday kookie crazy
    kookie crumbles

    Another fun one. An amazing selection of license plates!

  2. I'm not even going to try to write a poem. Way too much brain power needed. I loved yours though. All the best with the rest of the AtoZ challenge

  3. I'm not even going to try to write a poem. Way too much brain power needed. I loved yours though. All the best with the rest of the AtoZ challenge


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