Saturday, February 6, 2016


Michelle H. Barnes at Today's Little Ditty interviewed David L. Harrison, and what a great interview it was!  You do need to check it out.
And this month's word challenge on David's blog is "leaves" - in any format or any meaning.
Michelle's word for February is "ditty" - working on that one now.  But here is my poem for  David's February Challenge.

Everyone Leaves

Everyone leaves
At some time,
Maybe through a door
or dark of night;
Perhaps in a moment of fright.

Everyone leaves
in some way,
Whether with fanfare
or no mention -
Maybe just lack of attention.

Everyone leaves;
some do return,
And then in good time,
heart on their sleeve,
There's a grand story to weave.

Everyone leaves;
it doesn't mean
Perchance that I will
leave someday also;
I left once ages ago.

©2016, Donna JT Smith, all rights reserved


  1. I hope you'll continue to add to the poems on David's site. It is such fun every month to see what everyone creates from one word. See, I didn't think of this side of "leaves", just those tree ones. I like the way you wrote the verses, those "pops" at the end are terrific.

  2. Such a thoughtful, and by that I mean thought-filled and thought-provoking poem, Donna. The ending imbues a wonderful sense of mystery.


Drop some breadcrumbs! Let me know you were here!

Z is for Zoetic

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