Friday, December 18, 2015

Winter Swap and More Silver Birch Press News

It is Poetry Friday and I am pleased to be sharing a poem by Dori Bennett that she sent to me for this year's Winter Poetry Swap - thunk up and organized by the awesome Tabatha Yeatts.

Dori's gift of poem and star locket arrived on Wednesday morning, and worked to further boost my resolve and faith on a day-slash-week that needed girding.   How could she have known that the timing and words would be just right?  Perhaps she couldn't.  But I know that God did.

The poem was a combination of snippets from my known life through the blog, and projections or assumptions correctly and thoughtfully applied in words.  As I read it, I could recognize things that I'd written about, or was that thought about?  I could not remember having written about some things, but felt the familiarity of the words somehow in Dori's writing. The poem took my breath away...and brought a few tears!

And then there was the gift - though if the only thing in the envelope was the poem, it would have been more than enough of a gift to me!

The star locket took my breath away for a second time.  It looked like something my mother would have found and given to me for a birthday or Christmas - or I would have "lifted" from their store, years ago!  The star in its center will serve as a reminder to me to stay the course.  And besides, it is perfect for keeping two precious grandchildren photos close to my heart!

Thank you, Dori!

Guided Journey
by Doraine Bennett

Bring a book to keep you company.
Expect delays, but do not
be tempted to change trains.

Tune your inner song to the rhythm of the tracks.
Ponder the ever present whistle that fills the night.
Trust the words.

When the way seems long,
needle your memory,
recall the single leaf
whispering red,
the phoebe's feeble cry,
the unearthed treasure
etched in familiar scrawl.

If your bones are travel weary,
find your breath, that rauch breath,
and breathe into the pain.

Watch the transient images,
surrender to the mountain pass,
cross the deep ravine,
emerge onto the open plain.

Search the midday sky for shifting cloud.
Find the fiery star by night.

When it seems you will never
reach your final destination,
unpack your shawl,
wrap its purple arms around you.
Journey on until you smell the scent of home.


Sigh.  So many parts to love.

I also wanted to let you know that I will have two more poems on Silver Birch Press this month or next.  I am so pleased that they have been accepted and will keep you posted on when they will are published.

And now on to more poetry at Diane Mayr's "Random Noodling"!


  1. So much to talk about, Donna! Congratulations on the Silver Birch Press news! The poem is particularly touching, especially the "wrap its purple arms around you." I find warm purple arms to be rather appealing!

    It seems like yesterday we were all exchanging summer poems. Yikes! It's nearly 2016.

    1. its been a very busy December! It's hard to believe it is just about time to learn a new year!

  2. So happy for you about the poems to be published, Donna. Hurrah for you! And the poem is so loving for you. I recognize a few thoughts in there too through reading your words. It's a special gift of poetry and the locket, just lovely to keep those grandchildren close. Merry, merry Christmas to you and all the family!

    1. I do hope all your family arrives safe and sound and that you have a wonderful time of reconnecting! I am picturing some Norman Rockwell moments! More food for poems!

  3. Congratulations on the Silver Birch poems and the Dori poem! Like Diane, I am enticed by those purple arms :-)

    1. Thanks, Tabatha! I know, the wrapping in warmth and comfort is, well, comforting and warm! I love it too.

  4. Some good thoughts to remember - and congratulations with the Silver Birch Press poems!

    1. I have reread it many times since receiving it. And thanks, Matt! Have a wonderfully merry Christmas - though it looks like the snow will be scarce. With all the fog lately Santa may need Rudolph!

  5. What a beautiful presentation.. I love how this poem takes one through so many parts of the journey.

    1. It is beautiful! Thanks for popping in! Merry Christmas!

  6. How beautiful. This poetry swap 'thing' sounds touching and affirming - not to mention creative. I love what Dori did with this - and that it arrived at just the right time for you. Be encouraged - and blessed!

  7. My heart is warm and fuzzy, wrapped in purple, delighted that this gift brought you joy.

    1. It certainly did! May you have a cozy and wonderful Christmas!

  8. Congratulations, Donna! Dori's poem tailored just for you is just beautiful. The last line says it all, "Journey on until you smell the scent of home."


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