Sunday, March 8, 2015

Sunday's Word and Slice is ChurCH

This is my SOL for Sunday at Two Writing Teachers

Because it is Sunday, I have no time to slice or comment until evening.  So this is pre-scheduled, and I will come back later to comment on others who have left comments for me sometime after 8 pm. Have a wonderful day!  I'm planning on having one myself!

I am anxiously awaiting my word to use in a kid's poem for Ed DeCaria's March Madness 2015. Tonight I get my challenge word and will begin writing a poem Monday morning after hopefully sleeping on the word. I say "hopefully" because if something comes to me, I'll probably be up all night writing instead of sleeping.  And I hate when that happens.

I did write an acrostic for a -CH word for Heidi Mordhurst at My Juicy Little Universe, even though there isn't a word for today.  ChurCH just seemed to fit the bill!  For good measure, I made it a Double Reverso Acrostic Shape poem... I just made that up... It can be read both ways and is in the shape of a church. (note that it says church backwards and forwards across the bottom.

A Double Reverso Acrostic Shape Poem!

Again, have a WONDERFUL DAY!  Yes, I'm shouting... because I really want you to hear me!  It is a wonderful day, even in light of any negatives that may slide in there to interfere with your immediate happiness.

Thanks for dropping by today!  I really do appreciate everyone who stops in.  I've met some great new bloggers this year already, in addition to hearing from "old friends" (not old like I am, just that some of you I've come to know for four years, going on five now - well, that DOES make you quite a bit older than you were when I met you, though - I'm still the same age.)!


  1. You do sound like you are excited about Sunday! I do hope you have a wonderful day! As one of the "old friends" I can assure you I do look forward to your wonderful poems and for all the words of wisdom you offer.

  2. What a great poem! Shape, message, and all the little details that you included in it! Hope your day has been full of rejoice and praise!

  3. I had to visit just to see the "double reverso acrostic shape poem"--glad I did, it brought a smile to my face, as did your well wishes for a great day. :-)

  4. Wow! Double Reverso Acrostic Shape poem - very ambitious and you did a great job with it! I haven't even tried a reverso poem yet and you've got 3 types of poems wrapped in one.

  5. Your poem is awesome! Yikes! The competition begins. I get my word tonight, too and have a very full day on Monday (including a trip to the dentist for a crown replacement). I'll be writing in my head. Why did I do this?!
    I finally wrote for two challenges, Little Ditty and MarCH, all in one tanka. I'm posting tomorrow. Saving my writing energy for my MMPoetry word.

  6. Wow, this is impressive! Everything about it; shape, word choice,!

  7. Hoping for a wonderful day for you, Donna. Thanks for this very creative poem, and best wishes in the MM Poetry-rooting for you!

  8. I hope you share this at your church today! They would certainly be able to appreciate it. I thought the shape the the church was "the cherry on top" or "steeple on top" I guess! Super creative! Great job!

  9. I hope you share this at your church today! They would certainly be able to appreciate it. I thought the shape the the church was "the cherry on top" or "steeple on top" I guess! Super creative! Great job!

  10. That is a lovely visual! I hope you enjoyed your day.


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