Saturday, May 14, 2011

National Dance Like a Chicken Day

Did you know the Chicken Dance song started out as the Duck Dance back in the 1950's?  Of course, everyone knows that chickens don't dance, but ducks do.  They should never have changed the name.  The Duck Dance makes much more sense.
I did not celebrate by doing the chicken dance, but my dog, Pippi, did dance with me for a while.  I'll try to get a video of it sometime.  Yeah, right.
Today got by me again.  The more I think about what I have to do to end the school year, the less writing I feel free to indulge in.
My daughter is coming for a visit for Memorial Day, and there will be a baby shower for her.  In addition, we have a bridal shower that weekend for her cousin.  I still have 2 physical therapy sessions per week for two more weeks.  I have to get the kids ready for our Authors' Tea.  There are two field trips.  And of course there are the Reading and Math assessments. Hopefully there will be time to teach a bit more before assessing!  Then it's sort materials, pack up the room, lock it, and go retirement!
Every year
it seems that
I can't possibly fit it all in.  
Every year
I get nervous about it.  
Every year
it happens
whether I'm ready or not.  
And somehow 
I'm always ready.  
I guess 
I should stop worrying 
and just let 
the end of the year happen.  
Maybe I should
stop doing the Chicken Dance,
and just gracefully waltz
my way
to the end
of the year.


  1. I think you did better than I did; you did write, & showed those end-of-the-year feelings so well. I think this past week one day was also chicken appreciation day, so the chickens obviously were lying very low. It sounds like congratulations are in order, for a coming grandchild, & your retirement. I wish you the best in your life to come. Sounds like a grand new adventure!

  2. @teacherdance
    I'm very excited about starting the new adventure! I have mixed feelings about leaving teaching at times, but it is time!


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Z is for Zoetic

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